The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to 21 of 29
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From watching old tv shows in black and white, I wondered when did the world change into color??
I used to believe that in the "olden days" (when grandma was a little girl) that the world was black and white (my only source being old movies.) Once I asked grandma when everything went color.
I used to look at black and white pictures of my parents when they were young and I would also watch old black and white tv shows....I was convinced that the entire world simply wasn't in color back then.
I used to think that everything in the world was black and white before the fifties. I think that this was because all the films and tv from before then was black and white.
I used to believe that when you saw a black-and-white film on television that people only saw in black-and-white at that time. Does that make sense? In other words, people didn't see in color until color film was invented. Really.
I thought that everybody who lived before me used to see things in black and white not in colour. because old photos were in black and white and old films were in black and white too, therefore people only saw things in black and white prior to 1974. I asked my mother about it when i was 6 and she rectified the situation.
When I was younger and watched films in black and white, I used to think that the world was really only black and white and that the world suddenly became colourful overnight.
When I was little I believed that in the 1920's and 30's the world used to be black and white. Just like in those movies.
When i was little i thought that in the days before colour film everyone was black n white in real life!
i thought there was no color in the world except black and white in the past.....hehehehehe....
when i was little i use to think that coz all photos and films in the past were black and white, that the world was actually black and white as well!! im mad i know but i use to think that they saw black and white! i was only little.....
Because of old movies and photos, I thought that everything used to be black and white.
When i was little I was watching an old show in black and white and my mom told me that when she was little all shows were in black and white. This made me wonder a bit so I asked her "was everything black and white back then"? not realizing that it wasn't the objects themselves that were black and white it was because of the camera that couldn't pick up the colour
I used to believe that all pictures in black ad white meant that the people were black and white also. When i was six, I showed her a picture of her as a girl and I said "Holy crap, you have a great tan!" I was punished and she straightened me out.
i was born in the 80's and was around my grandparents alot. we used to watch alot of black and white TV, so i thought the world at one point was black and white. and through some mystical power turned into color one day. i believed this till i was about 5 or 6.
As old pictures of my grandma and mum were in black and white, when I was like 3 I used to believe that the world was colourless once.
From looking at my parants and grndparants old photographs I used to believe that everything was black & white. From the cloths they wore to the cars they drove
Ok, I was a kid ... I used to believe before, all the world before 1960 was in black and white ... that was the colors I saw on photos and black and white movies... I thought that people during World War 1 would see all in black and white ... their clothes were black and white ... (I still have the same feeling today at times ...)
Fun thing is that I thought even before (prehistory...) all was in colors ... due to hollywood movies ... but 1850-1960 all was in black and white .. go fig ...
I used to believe that life before the 1950s was in black and white, like the films!!
i used to believe the olden days were black and white
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