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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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When i was child, i thought when the black and white photos made, the world was black and white too.

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I had my little brother convinced that color was only invented in the last century, before that the world was in black and white. I referred to old movies and photos as the proof. He believed it almost untill his teens.

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I used to think that in the olden days everything was black and white, because thats the way it was in the movies. I remember I tried to ask my nan but was even more confused when she didnt understand me properly. I thought that way for a long time, I guess I grew out of it.

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I though the world used to be black and white

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i used to think that everything was actually black and white before the 1940s or something

hip hip
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I used to belive that in the old days people could only see in Black and White, cause there was Black and White TV and Black and White Photos and it was only when colour was invented did they start SEEING in colour....I was a very confused child

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I used to believe that before I was born, the world was just in black and white. That was only because I saw pictures and films that were in black and white. I just assumed that color wasn't invented yet.

Lien Hoang
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When I was younger, I used to think that a long time ago a people lived in black and white

three girls
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Before colour was invented the whole world actually was sepia (brown) and white.

Damn, it is a good thing that they invented colour!

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When I was little I used to think the world was only black and white because all the pictures I saw were black and white

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when i was little i used to think that black and white shows on tv existed in a time before they invented color. i thought everyone was running around in black and white like in the movie pleasantville.

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When I was little I used to beleive that black and white movies where like that because colors didn't exist back then.

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Watching TV in B&W, I thought that 'in the olden days', there was no color, that people walked around in their B&W lives.

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I used to believe people that people back then were black and white and couldn't talk.

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My mom is a subsitute teacher and she was telling a class about like back in the 50's because they were reading a story from that time period. One of the kids raised their hand and asked "Was everything black and white back then?" because all the shows from that period were black and white.

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Since all television before a certain time was in black and white, I used to think that that time period itself was colorless until some genius came along and invented color.

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when I was little I used to believe that in old times the world was black and white because when i saw an old video footage on the tv or an old photograph it was black and white.

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I used to believe that at the time of film in black & white, people lived without color. At the start, I thought there was any color, so they can't differenciate the color between food, clothes or even hair.
I think it was weird to see movies in black & white but live in color. Now I know that they didn't live in black & white and juste didn't have the technique in the 20th Century.

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When I'd see a black and white movie on TV, I'd always wonder when people started being "in color."

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i used to beleive that when i was watching black and white films everyone was actually walking around in a black and white world.i used to ask my grandparents 'what was it like in the black and white days? silly girl.......

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