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When my sister was three, she had an imaginary friend who was a ghost named Flower. She insisted that she didn't like hamburgers, and Flower would eat hers when we weren't looking.

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At the age of around 4, I had 3 imaginery friends, i never created them they just appeared and to they were real- at the time anyway because they werent what u would expect. One was a multi coloured pyjama jumpsuit, the jumpsuit or jumpsuit as i called him, would float around in the air, like someone was wearing it but there was no body, head etc he was a great friend. The others were baby and sooty, sooty from the kids program, he was my right hand man and baby, was a floating baby, i wasnt too keen on baby. When my older sister used to walk in the room and see me playing and talking to them, which to her was thin air she would run out scared and screaming. We had to move house and from that day on, when asked where my friends were, i would say theyve gone to scotland to be friends with someone else. Im 25 now and lookin back i guess i sort of miss them

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When I was young i had an Imaginary friend called Lenny,although this is a boys name she was a girl. when my mum asked about Lenny i told her that her mummy and daddy died in a fire and that she had a dog that was black because it was burned, so she moved into my wardrobe. I also cried when i found out Lennie was a boys name, I used to take her to school and everything!

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I once convinced my little brother that everyone has purple hippopotamus that only they can see and that if you don't have one, then it means you aren't a real person. He cried for hours because he couldn't find his purple hippo.

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My imaginary friend was a man called Turner (no first name, just Turner) who came to live in my room because his ex-wife took his house after he cheated on her. He was a businessman but would always leave the house before my dad did because my dad always ignored him. He used to boss me around when I got home and tell me to do my homework. He was useful though, because he remembered things my conscious mind didn't. In the end he left to marry Cleopatra (the Egyptian queen, who I believed was still alive at this time).

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When i was younger i had an imaginary friend called Bubbleinda and she was a pink elephant in a bubble! I used to bring her on holiday and my brother used to ask" where is Bubbleinda?" and i would simply reply "in the bath".

strange child
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When I was really little, I had two imaginary friends: Boo-boo and Tu-tu. I absolutely loved them until I was about 6, when I finally decided I was done with them. I walked into the kitchen, and my father said "Hey, Jen, where's Boo-boo and Tu-tu?" I replied, "They jumped off a cliff." For the next little while, I would tell everyone who asked a different way that my imaginary friends died.

Evil Villain
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when i was 11 i had imaginary friend maya. she followed me every where on holiday, swimming and even in the car. once she showed me how to make mud pies... my mum went belistc! she left when i was 15 i was very upset.

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I used to believe that when i walked passed plants they would be waving at me, and if it was a good day even the tress would be saying Hello, i thought that i was a queen, i would even give them a wave back but maybe it was just the wind or maybe they just wanted to say hello.

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When I was younger, maybe about 5-6, I had two Imaginary friends named Littlee Fella and Micos. They lived under the bottom step of my staircase for a long time. I imagined that it looked like Mexico under there. Then, they moved into a hole in the wall of my bedroom. I used to pretend I could see inside and it was a dark room with a couch and TV. Once in awhile, you could hear Little Fella's mom yelling at him from another room.

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When I was little I had an imaginary friend named Tongue Jr. He seemed so real, and he actually taught me stuff I didnt know...some of the stuff wasnt true, but some was! My
parents were surprised when I knew what constipation was at age 4. But they thought that my freinds told me. Tongue Jr was called Tongue Jr coz he had a snake tongue...I know weird.

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When i was little all my friends had imaginary friends. I felt left out and cried for ages. I asked my mum to buy me one but she said i had to concentrate and find one myself. To my luck my imaginary friend was a hamster

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So I'm the youngest in my family and when we were younger my sister and brother would play together but exclude me. So I made up an imaginary friend named Kathy at the time I was two. I started to tell everyone about Kathy who's mom was in jail, her brother named Dayeco (day-echo) drowned in dirty water, kathy lived in a swear at one point in her life and also she didn't have a dad because I didn't think she needed one. I also used to believe that I could "turn her off and on" so if I didn't feel like playing with her then she would just disappear and when I felt like playing with her then she would come out of the swear and play with me. I also used to believe that she lived in the swear close to my house. Lol I was a weird child with a huge imagination.

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when i was 6 i got onto the computer and made a character. i went to sleep that night and when i woke up i saw him sleeping with me! he follow me all the way up until i was 10. then we argued about cake(LOL!) and he left.

then i created another one online and saw him in the bed next to me the next day. i am 11 now and he still followes me around. we chat and everything.

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When I was a kid, I had a lot of different imaginary friends.
One was sorta like a million little people who where half an inch tall who would follow me around. Why a million? I think it was because whenever I asked them a problem, I would get an answer from the personality I wanted to hear from.
After that stage, I just started taking my favorite fictional characters. Whenever I saw a fictional character I liked, I would just add him/her on. And whenever I got bored with one, I just "sent them back home".
Even to this day, I can't help but do it a few times (I'm currently obsessed with this Anime and there's this really cute detective ; ) Hey, it's my life!)

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When I was little I had an invisible friend named Shorty. I did the usual, talked, played, set a dinner plate and fed him. One day he just went away. A couple of years later I was at my first Passover dinner and the adults announced that Elijah had come and drank the glass of wine that was left for him and pointed to the empty glass in the middle of the table. No, I yelled out, that was Shorty! I was convinced that this must be the house Shorty had moved to.

As a side note, I find it funny now that his name was Shorty and I never grew taller than 5'2".

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I used to believe that the other side of the mirror was an alternate dimension, and that my other self was my friend, only that she told me to do bad things. Every time I stole a cookie or terrorized my brother I would tell my parents that she told me to do it.

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I used to have a dragon imaginary friend. She was a beautiful purple dragon named Faeliyana. Faeliyana liked to solve puzzles and party with Papami, a paper dragon. She also was calm and peaceful. There was also a two-headed dragon named Earth and Sky.

Faeliyana loves Papami!! :)
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When I was about six years old, I had an imaginary friend that I named Angelina. Back then I never heard of Angelina Jolie. But when I finally saw her name in a magazine one day, I got upset and said, "Hey! She stole my imaginary friend's name!" My mom must have thought I was crazy. :/

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I used to believe, due to a dream I once had at a young age, that if i walked up my neighbours big lane halfway up i would fall into a rabbit-like hole where there were 1000s of little cartoon people and i was there king. There, i said it

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