i used to believe

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My Dad had a government job and he used to bring home these pens that were stamped "property of US Government".I felt a little odd using them but one day I broke my one and the military police were going to come and arrest me!I had the evidence in my closet and waited.Fortunately they were too busy with the war I thought and spared me.

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For some reason, I thought if you were arrested by the police, they were protecting you from something, like, if you were being robbed, they'd arrest you. I'd hear on the news about there'd been some protest and twelve arrests, and think "good, those twelve people will be alright then". Not sure how that happened.

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My older brother once told me that if you put your socks on the wrong feet that the police would come to arrest you and throw you in jail forever. So each morning I would have to ask my mum which foot each sock would go on because mum knows everything. This continued for months until I was getting ready for school one day and I realised that I had put on odd socks! I spent ages crying to my mum that "I don't want to go to jail" and "don't let them take me away" for her to realise that my brother was sat on the sofa sniggering and that maybe the two were related... (He always was a little sod)

paranoid socks
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i used to believe that a swat team was actually a squat team, because they squated down behind stuff and waited for the bad guys to run out of bullets.

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Up until the age of 13 I believed that cops told you to put your hands in the air so that if they chose to shoot you, you couldn't deflect the shot with your hands. Somehow I thought that if you put your hands in front of your heart, if someone shot you there it would just bounce off your hands.

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When I was very small (about 3 or 4 or thereabouts) I vastly overestimated the power of the police. I didn't know about laws (as a concept) that they were also required to uphold and follow as well. Anyhow, I thought they were a villainous, secretive, nasty and somewhat arbitrary gang. I "knew" that if you insulted or looked at them funny they would drag you off to JAIL (all caps to my three year-old mind) but that just not provoking them was no guarantee--JAIL was still a possibility. In addition to this, I thought that the president was far more powerful than he is, and that people who insulted him (anywhere, on any occasion, not just to his face) faced immediate and dire punishment, probably being executed on the spot. This perceived state of affairs bothered me surprisingly little, but it did irritate me a bit that a government would so grossly misuse their power. Because of this I whispered that "the president stinks" or something while I was up in a tree and there was no one in sight. Unsurprisingly I am alive and well.
P.S. I don't live in Myanmar, North Korea, or Uzbekistan (:-D)

Miss Taken
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I used to think that when there were police chases, the cop was racing the bad guy and if the bad guy won then he was allowed to get away and Visa Versa

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I used to think that you were supposed to wear your seatbelt so that if a policeman pulled over the car and tried to take you out, he wouldn't be able to because you'd be strapped in.

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I used to believe that all the first names of judges was Justice till I was doing my 4th high school year.

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When I read the newspaper about a person who was 'jailed with bond set of what amount' or a person was 'released without bond,' I thought that the person was jailed with James Bond.

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When I was about 6 I wanted to go on a bike ride with a friend but I had a skirt on, she told me I would need clips otherwise the spokes would get me. I thought the "spokes" were some kind of bicycle police who told you off if you wore the wrong clothes

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In elementary school, I sat in a presentation about drugs and alcohol. For the first time, I learned that sniffing markers was a form of inhalant. I had sniffed a marker before, and I secretly believed I was a hardcore drug addict and that it was only a matter of time before I spent my life in prison.

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I used to think that police officers were like fisherman. Due to the fact that my father always used the term "pulled over", I thought cops sat at the side of the road with a fishing pole and pointed out cars to each other asking each other their opinions about pulling over that car, "hey what about that green Toyota?" For years, I was so scared that they would want to pull over our car with their fishing rods.

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After having watched Cops for most of my young natural life, and my mother telling me that if I didn't put my seatbelt on the police would take me, I believed that cops just picked people up and took them away FOR NO REASON AT ALL. I thought that they could just come snatch you on a whim if they saw you and decided you were worth the effort. Every time I passed a cop car, I would slink down into my seat and watch them with suspicion.

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I used to want to be a police officer because I thought you got superpowers. For example, I thought they had some sort of superpower that made you get on the ground when they yelled,"GET ON THE GROUND!" And robbers could somehow resist this with magic. I was a messed up kid.

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I believed that if you cut off those tags on pillows that said it was illegal to cut off, the police would somehow know this and come to your house and arrest you.

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When I was 4, when I didn't like a turn of events in a movie I was watching I thought I could call the police and report it and they would arrest the moviemaker or something for putting that event in! I would "call the police" using my toy phone whenever something I didn't like happened in a movie, then waited by the window watching for the cops. Once a cop actually did drive by my street after I did this, so I thought the police had finally responded to one of my reports!

Galadriel Moon Silk
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I always believed that having your dome light on in the car (while driving at night) was illegal. It was only a few months before my TWENTIFITH birthday that I realized it was a lie that my parents told us - I guess we asked them to turn it on one too many times during car trips! Scary how we believe everything our parents tell us as if it's gospel.

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When I was little, everyone around me said "Don't wave at a police car, fire truck or ambulance because then the drivers would think you were in trouble and needed them." Well, I often saw those vehicles on the road and when I did, I'd just stare at the workers in the car with a determined look on my face, probably scaring them. They'd wave at me out of politeness (because I was about 4) and i felt bad because I couldn't wave back! The one time I accidently waved at a cop car, a different one sounded it's sirens and sped past my mom's car. I thought to myself "Whew, lucky someone else waved at the same time as me!"

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One time when I was like in 4th grade (8 years ago) my father was driving my sister and I home from the Grocery Store, and I guess he was going a little over the speed limit and he got pulled over. This was a new experience for me, so of course I start bawling my eyes out and screaming: "DON'T TAKE MY DADDY TO JAIL! DON'T ARREST MY DADDY!". I thought that when you got pulled over or just looked at a police man or woman that you would automatically go to prison. Lucky for my dad, he got out of a speeding ticket because the cop thought I was too cute!

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