i used to believe

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When I was younger, and the stock market report appeared on the news, I thought "volume" meant how high everyone's television sets were turned up.

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When I was a child, I thought the world had 10,000 bank accounts, i.e. they were all numbered 0000-9999. It came from noticing that my parents entered a four-digit number at the drive-thru ATM. I was very analytical and logical as a child, and still am.

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when i was about 5 or 6 my older sister who was probably about 18 years old at that time bought an expensive make up kit. I asked her how much it was, she said "fourty-five bucks". I thought she meant fourty-five boxes. My mom started to wonder why in the world i needed boxes for the ice cream truck

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I used to believe that priceless meant free.

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I think I must have once followed my Mom to the bank while she got something out of a small safe or something when I was young, because I believed that the way banks worked (having never gone with her to the bank before, and not going with her again later) was that everyone with an account had their own locked drawer. You'd go to the bank, then someone would take you to a room where there were walls and walls of little drawers, and you kept your money in that drawer.

When she explained it to me a bit, about how banks will give your money to other people, but they keep track of how much money you have, I figured that they just had a gigantic safe (with a huge combination lock on the front), like in cartoons, that was just piled up with money tossed everywhere. When you deposited money, they opened the door and threw it in. When you withdrew money, they went into the safe and got the money you asked for.

I still thought it was mean that they gave your money away, though.

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I used to think they had a box where all your money went in in the bank and they kept the money locked up in a big basement.

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I used to believe that if you had two 5 dollar bills it meant that you had $55. Boy was I in for a wake up check.

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I believed (Until I was 11) that gas prices were just what the sign said. Maybe 2, 3 dollars to fill up the tank. Then my parents started to complain about the rising gas prices. I was just like "Oh come on! Its only 3 dollars!". Then they explained the philosophy of "money per gallon..."

Ze person
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I used to think that when you bought something, the tax couldn't be more than $1 ... I guess it made sense, because nothing I bought was ever much more than a dollar, so the tax was always less.

Ian MacLatchie
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i used to find cash machines fascinating when i was younger and asked my grandmother where the money came from (bless her she was about 80) she genuinely believed there was a man behind the machine handing notes through the slot! the funny thing is she would'nt believe anything else...no matter what....ah bless i still chuckle thinking of that

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I used to believe that the popular phrase 'the buck stops here' was literally a dollar bill being passed from one person to another-the person who had the notion to place 'the buck stops here' sign was the one who got to keep the money.

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already at the age of five i was disgusted by the lack of fairness and logic in the grown-up world.
f.ex. i had discovered that a lotery ticket did not guarantee getting anything, although you had paid for it!
so i organised a little lotery in my street with free tickets and prizes for every ticket:)
i had to part with many of my toys this way, but thought i had showed the world how things should be done...

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My Mum told me there were 100 pennies in a pound so I thought she meant that you could literally fit 100 pennies into a pound coin, so i sat at the table one day stacking pennies up, when I got to ten I realised that there was no way you could fit them into a pound coin... They must be squashed down to fit.

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I have just recently been approached by an investment broker to invest in stocks & shares via HSBC
I have only just found out that HSBC does not stand for High Street Banking Corporation ----------- PS;- i am 68yrs old

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when I first heard about insurance, I thought it was a small group of old men in black (clothes, hat, shoes, sunglasses...) that you gave your money to, and when the house burned down - or something like that - they would come and pay for the damage

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I used to belive that dimes and diamonds where the same thing. So naturally it confused me when people would ask for diamonds as if they where very rare even though I had two in my pocket.

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When i was about 5 or6 i saw the wizard of oz. I was convinced that the munchkins lived and worked in the atm machines at the bank.

munchkin hater
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i used to think that if i tore a dollar bill in half it would make fifty cents

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I used to believe that money was tasty stuff that people got from their parents. I got quite confused and ill after trying a five quid note

not wealthy (any more)
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I used to believe that when you took money to the bank, they had a big box that had your name on it, and they threw your money into the box, and when you took money out, they would find your box and give you the money you wanted.
The stupid part is that I always pictured the boxes as looking like miniature washing machines.
The sad part is that I believed this until I was 10 years old and got my own bank account.

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