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When I was around 5 years of age I used to believe that the birds would nest in my garden if I made their nests for them. I spent many a happy hour gathering clay pots and filling them with freshly gathered moss twigs and grass and placing them about my garden, on ground level, then darting back into the house to look out of the kitchen window to see how grateful they would be.

Avonmouth Wendy
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I come from a southern family and there are a lot of sayings that i took very literally as a child. When my grandfather would call me out of the rain he would say that I was oigng to drown like a turkey. He claimed that a turkey would drown in the rain if turkey farmers didn't bring them in because they were so dumb that they would look up to see what was hitting them in the head. I believed this up until I was in college! I was stating this rare fact that i had to a firend (I found out it was rare because no one I had ever told had already known it) when my friend said "Well, there are wild turkeys aren't there?" and it shattered my belief.

Molly Sue
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I used to believe that Ducks couldn't fly and that it was just in cartoons that they made them be able to fly for the fun of shooting them and making it seem funny!

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i convinced my little brother when he was about 8 that if you put one of htows decritive marbil eggs in a sock and sat on it for a week you would get a marbil chicken. he then proceded to take the egg out of my hand martch in his room grab a sock and sat on the egg for 6 strate hours!

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I believed keeping a mini chocolate egg under a pillow overnight would create a chocolate chick for a few weeks.

Joshua Rowe
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I once found an abandoned goose egg in the park , and remembering that eggs had to be kept warm at all times I took it home and wrapped a small blanket around it so that it would hatch .

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Once my mom was cracking egss to make breakfast and I asked her why they had not turned into chickens. She said because the eggs "had not been fertilized." So for the longest time I pictured park rangers or other official people going from nest to nest all over the world carrying a bag of fertilizer and sprinkling it on birds' eggs.

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When I was little I thought that birds were the very essence of evil. I would scare them away when I saw them by saying " Fly away animals of the devil! " and, they would. So, I thought god had bestowed a magical power on me, and I needed to rid the Earth of all birds.., It was my destiny. So one day when I visited my friend, ( Who had a pet Bird, Arnold.) I screeched and said, don't move, ther's a demon in your house!" She stood still thinking i meant a real demon ( We were 4 ) and hid in a corner. I then opened the window, grabbed the bird and hurled it outside screaming my magical phrase. She started crying loudly. Her mom came in the room to ask why Olivia was crying. I said " don't worry Mrs. Anderson, those are the Happy tears, I saved her life and got the demons out of your house." I walked out with a smile on my face.

Olivia never spoke to me again.

Bird Hater
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My das convinced me that the birds which sat on our trees wanted to steal them.

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One day in class, we had gotten very off-topic, as we often did in this class, and we arrived at the topic of chickens. The teacher raised chickens for the eggs, to sell and eat, and it happened that he had an incubator full of eggs in the classroom.

One boy asked if any of them were roosters. The teacher responded by rhetorically asking how he'd know, before the eggs were hatched. Then, one girl, looking confused, asked why a rooster would come out of a chicken egg in the first place! Another girl sitting next to her whispered something to her, and she said... "Ohhhhh, I get it..." and turned bright red...

By the way, how old did you imagine these kids were? And what sort of class did you imagine them in? No, not elementary school -- this was 10th-grade physics class. Really.

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when me and my friends were about 4 or 5 we always tried to catch birds. So after my dad would mow the grass we would take the piles of grass and make little nests out of them then set them in the tree. No birds ever came XD.

Birdie in a Cage
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penguins are over six feet tall

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My sister and I used to try and catch the birds that landed in our backyard all the time. At one point, we thought that if we held tree branches and stood really still, that the birds would think we were trees and land on us. We soon found out that it didn't work, though.

I also tried to catch birds by digging pitfall type traps. Although I was smart kid, it never occured back then that they could easily fly out of such traps.

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when I was a kid. I used to believe hens had teeth.

lév michot
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My nintendo game cube was K.O.I thought my parrot was magical because when i searched him behind curtains, I fell on it and then it worked again ! Magical this parrot !!!

lorenzo (4°)
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I was six years old when Alfred Hitchcock’s "The Birds" was released. My family and I saw it and truthfully, it really frightened me! To add to my fears, my parents thought it would be fun to visit Bodega Bay. When we arrived, the green grass in front of the hotel we were staying in, was covered with crows. I didn’t want to get out of the car. My younger brother and younger sister laughed at me. They convinced me to get out because in "reality" they told me, the birds only attack at night. Come night fall, I was under the bed and very very upset! My family laughed and laughed. I slept under that bed all night and was angry at them for laughing. Of course, that was over 40 years ago and I am now an avid bird watcher and part of Cornell University’s Project Feeder Watch. However, I do confess, on occasion, when I see a black crow, I wonder……..

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Once I saw a swan in a park, and my dad pointed it out to me. However, I was convinced that it was a big white duck, and so my parents tried to tell me that it was actully a swan, using a nature book. I wouldn't listen to them, and whenever they got the nature book out, I would turn the page to the "big white duck".

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i thought that if you knocked an egg a chicken would come out

johny too-good
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I used to believe that the eggs you buy at the grocery store were still "alive", so when I was like 4 or 5, I brought some eggs from the grocery store into my room on a pillow. After a while, my room started to smell really bad!

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My two year old believes that electiricty poles are actually there for the birds. "They hold up ropes for the birds to stand on".

Sonia Timms
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