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cats and dogs

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When I was about 10 we were visiting my uncle in Kentucky (from Illinois) and I fell in love with his angora cat. He said I could have it and we could take it home with us, but my dad told me it was against the law to take an animal across the state lines and we would get arrested by the FBI if we took the cat. So we didn't and I thought that was true for several years.

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When I was 4 or 5 years old, I witnessed our cat, Petal, pooping live mice out of her rear end. I was sure that that was what was happening. I had seen cats in cartoons swallow mice live, it made sense to me that that was how they would come out, squirming and gooey from the trip through the cat. Later my Mom explained to me that Petal had had a litter of kittens! D'oh!

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when i was little i used to think my dog was like a cow and produced milk when she had puppies and so i got a bucket and milked her and put the milk in a cup and drank it and spit it out i remember thinking this is the worst milk i ever ever had!!!!

Lee Ann
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I used to believe since we had dogs and cats, and lions and tigers, that lions were big dogs and tigers were big cats.

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One day that I was out walking with my dad, I was like 5 or 6, we saw a dog, it was a Dalmatian and I thought how cool that dog has black spots all over his body, and my daddy told me that when Dalmatians are born they are completely white and the Dalmatian painter put the black spots on them but they couldnt be in the rain or the spots will go away

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I used to believe that my dogs could talk to me...all I had to do was practice barking so I could understand them.

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When I was around 3 my dog Sparky got hit my a car and died. I did not know this, and when I asked "Where's Sparky?" the only answer I got was "He's with God now" To which I was upset, that this guy named God had my dog. "Where does God live?" I asked. My mom pointed up and said "He lives up there."
For quite a while I thought this strange guy named God lived up in my attic with my dog.

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When I was about 5 we moved to a new house, which scared the willies out of our (already timid) cat, Roger. Every time he heard a noise he'd run to hide, and his favourite hiding place was inside our electronic organ (there was an opening above the volume-pedal...) Well, for a while there, I was pretty convinced that inside our organ was this giant cat-city where Roger was royalty, and the reason he went there so often was because his feline subjects needed him.

Actually, despite the fact that I grew out of that belief, I still felt a twinge of surprise when I actually looked inside the organ, and instead of the vast, softly lit city I'd always imagined, there was...the back of the pedals and keys, and a whole lot of dust. Bit of a disappointment, actually,.

loyal subject
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i belevied that there was something watching me when i was in bed. When i grew up i relized that it was my dog standing in the doorway:)

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Until I was about 11, I believed that my dog understood all my feelings and actions (he behaved like it too). I was sure that he was just too clever to let us know how much he really understood. Because of that, apart from many other things, he was my best friend and I shared everything with him (including juicy apricots which he didn't care for and me eating his noodles - yes from his bowl- which he didn't care for either having wolfed down the meat).

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I used to think if I left the toilet seat open my cat would get flushed down the toilet.

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When I first saw the movie 'Cats and Dogs'... Well, you can probably tell what my belief was. If you've never seen the movie, then I believed that cats and dogs had secret technology hidden right under our noses.

I did crazy stuff on behaf of my belief too. I checked my cat's litterbox for some sort of futuristic devices. No devices, but lots of poop.

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My dad sold pure-bred dogs. When a buyer came to get a hunting dog, he saw my mixed-breed pet, and really liked her. He wanted to buy her, too. My dad told me, "Mary, this guy says he'll give you fifty dollars for your dog.'

I said, "Well, okay, but I don't know what a dog would do with money."

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I used to believe that our cat was a robot that spied on me for my parents. I thought that they used it to tell when I left my room even when they couldn't see me. Because my aunt gave it to us, I thought she had a control station for it, but my parents had a video screen showing what it saw through its camera eyes.

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When I was little, I thought the cat got swallowed up by the space under my parents' headboard. (She came out after I went to bed and was eaten by a coyote.)

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i used to believe that my pet cats actually had nine lives, because everytime one was lost or died, my mother would bring another back to me, exactly like the earlier one. Instead, when i got older, i found out that was a lie, because one day my mother brung one of the opposite sex, and then she finally told me the cats she'd bring me, were only different replacements she'd buy only to keep me from crying from the lost one.

fred h.
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when i was little i thought that dogs had puppies out of their teats, therefore the number of teats the dog had would determine how many puppies they would have

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My grandfather told me that if a cat wasn't pure breed, the tail would fall of if you lifted the cat after it... Guess who paniced when he lifted the cat next-door...I knew that he was a many-mixed cat!!!

But it came came to an happy end, even though I was pretty upset with my grandfather for some hours ;)

The Cat
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I used to believe that dogs from other countries had different languages. So a dog raised in Japan wouldnt be able to understand the barking of an American dog. Actually, that still sounds kind of plausible to me...

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I still believe this (because im still a kid) but, i think that when my cat looks into your eyes, and makes that "pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?" look, that he would hate you if you didnt give him what he wants. now, he gets pampered a lot, even though hes nice, and wouldnt hurt me (never has), but he gets it all... GETS IT ALL!

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