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cats and dogs

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After watching "The aristocats" and my mum told me they were alley cats i started to believe that when we passed an alley while walking, a cat would come out, mug you, play a song to you on a guitar and invite you to drink milk and eat "kibble and bits" with you.

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I used to believe that cats' whiskers were actually fish bones coming out of their faces. I also believed that unborn kittens were in the milk sacks.

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My freinds mother said that if you hold a cat without supporting its bottom, that its insides would fall out.

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My grandma got a cat when I was about 4-5 and I figured she must have picked it up off a shelf at the grocery store, like bread or cereal. It never occurred to me that I'd never seen cats and dogs on the shelves there, it just seemed natural.

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I once thought that when cats curled up into a ball to fall asleep, that they were then "stuck" like that for at least a few minutes, which is why they had to stretch when they woke up. I also thought that when a cat was asleep curled up in this way, they looked just like Russian hats. I thought that since my cat was curled in a ball fast asleep, I had just enough time to put her on top of my head and turn her into a Russian hat. My cat put a quick stop to this notion by immediately running down my back with her claws out.

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I was once convinced that I had seen a nature program on TV that stated that cats were psychic. I couldn't understand why, when I brought this up in class one day, the teacher didn't already know this...Regardless, I would think thoughts to my cat all the time to get her to come play with me and to tell her how much I loved her. Still do, a little bit...

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My mother told me once (and I believed it), that Chow dogs were poisonous because they had black tongues. I always kept a safe distance from then on, if I ran into that kind of dog.

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I used to believe that dogs ate cats.

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When I was three years old my dad would refer to our dog Lacy as "Lace from space" beacause she liked the rhyme. As I started to grow up and started understanding the comcept of space I asked my dad if our dog was really from space. Enthusiastically he replied yes! With a puzzled look I glanced at the dog and walked off. Several days later she asked where in space does Lacy come from? My dad said the planet Venus. I then asked,"are all dogs are from Venus?" My dad replied "only crazy dogs that run around in circles when u crack an egg on a frying pan." Another puzzled look, but my dad knew for sure that Lacy went crazy when she heard an egg crack when it hit the frying pan. Then the next day, my dad was in the closet with me looking for my mittens when I noticed and pointed at an old face motorcycle helmet dads. "Is that Lacy's space helmet?" I asked. My dad said that my face was so serious that he could not hold back the laughter. If it were not for that weekness of my dads, the myth would have continued.

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When I was little, I believed my dog could talk, and just decided not to due to the fact I wasnt a dog. So for hours, I would sit by him and say things like "Good doggy. You're such a nice doggy, will you talk to me?" When that didn't work, I would hold up treats and beg him to talk. Eventually I got very annoyed and stood up, glaring down at him, shouting "I KNOW YOU CAN TALK, SO SAY SOMETHING, DOPEY!"

When he didnt talk after I did all of that, I threatened to poke him until he did. So every day for a week after that, family would walk in to where my dog and I usually were to find me sitting there, poking him..

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When i was little I had a dog and everytime i would hear a dog bark i thouht that the dogs thought that they were speaking english in there mind but when they tried to talk it came out as a bark and not english.

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I used to believe that my dogs diet was clothes, because that was all I ever saw him eating

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I used to believe that if a dog barked that the dog had rabies, (this was after I watched 'Old Yeller'). Every time my dog so much as opened her mouth, I would run, screaming, for the room. That just made it worse, because my dog is a herding dog, and would playfully chase me.. Finally, my mom told me that when a dog foamed at the mouth it had rabies, not if the dog barked.

Fallon McGee
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When I was little, I had a female cat and my best friend had a male cat. My cat had a tail and her's didn't. Therefore, I believed you could tell a female cat from a male by whether they had tails or not.

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I used to believe that if I forgot to feed the cats in the morning somewhere around 7 o'clock, they would drop dead that very day.

Here Kitty Kitty
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When we first got our cat, I thought of all kinds of things. I tried to put clothes on him and couldn't understand why he didn't like it, I sometimes worried that he'd get replaced with an impostor, and because his name's ElDorado, when my dad's friend Marcus said that he thought "his ElDorado" (his wish) was a fine meal with friends, I freaked out because I thought he wanted to eat the cat!

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I used to think an Afghan hound was a breed of terrorist dog that had to fight in the Taliban!

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i used to believe that dogs were born in the sky and would fall from a paracheute.

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My earliest memory is of my neighbour's weiner-dog. When she strolled past our house with her dog, I would run up to them to pet the dachshund. I remember asking the lady if she fed her dog weiners--I was sure that was why he turned out that shape!

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I used to believe that really, my first dog (a bearded collie-cross bitch) and all other dogs could talk if they wanted to but nasty scientists would probably take them away so they kept quiet. :) I also believed that I could talk to my cat and fish and spent time making noises and miowing.

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