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cats and dogs

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I used to believe that the manhole covers with the initials CATV was actually saying 'Cat Tv' and i though it was a little pull-out television in catonese (the language of cats) that they could watch.

Heh Heh Heh... catonese.....how imaginative i was, back then.

Rennie-woo (And-now-the-kitty-kat-news.)
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For the longest time I was sure my cat could read my mind.

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Wheni was little i taught that if you kissed a dalmation on a spot, thy would turn in to sludge! The worst tthing is that i tried it..

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I used to believe that when we went to bed at night, all the animals in our house talked to each other.

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when i was younger i believed that cats could see better in the dark than in the day time.
now im afraid to ask anyone

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One time our cat Buffy was up on our roof. I was only 4 and my brother and sister were 5 and 8. When we saw him we thought for sure he was stuck up there and couldn't get down. Our mom wasn't concerned when we told her but we were so worried we got a wagon out and layed some blankets in it. We lined this up underneath the garage and stood there yelling for Buffy to jump down. After 10 minutes of Buffy just siting there he casually strolled over to a tree next to the garage and climbed down it. We just kinda looked at each other and went "Oh".

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I used to think that my cat was an alien that had come to teach me how to be good!

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my grandma's dog was a golden retreiver and it would hump our legs when we were little and we thouhgt he was trying to hug us but our mom told us he was trying to climb up us to kiss us.

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after i saw the first doctor doolittle movie i thought i could talk to animals so i would just get in front of my dog goose and just start talking and he would look at me and i was convinced that he was listing to every word i said

animal kid
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When I was around 4 or 5, i saw this 2 dogs having sex and wonder how they got "glued" together afterwards. So one day I asked my grandma and she told me that someone had put chewing gum in between them and got them "glued". I totally believed her!

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I used to believe all dogs were male and all cats were female. I still call dogs "boy" and cats "girl."

Kelly F.
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When i was 8 I thought the expresion 'raining cats and dogs' was true.
until I was 12 I ran outside in the rain to see if it really was raining cats and dogs.
I would stand in the rain for about 15 minuets waiting for the cats and dogs to come down.

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I used to think that when female animals got pregnant, they sometimes didn't need a male partner (I was thinking of cats when I said out loud) and could somehow just make babies on their own. Well domestic cats are usually spayed or neutered anyway, but even so!

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When I was a child, I used to believe that when it was written "tested on animals" on a makeup box, the makeup was really put on the animals like us. So imgained cats and dogs with lips-stick and blush, until I heard someone laugh about me about that !

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when I was a kid in the 70's there was an unusual abundance of white dog poo in the lanes by my grandma's house at the seaside. I believed this unusual stuff was produced only by little white poodles...

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My aunt's dog once pooped silver poop and she said it was because he ate a silver crayon. I thought that if you fed a dog a certain color crayon, it would automatically poop that color.

some dope
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When I was a small boy, I was convinced that, as wolves are related to dogs, foxes must have been related to cats.

Uncle Korky
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i used to believe that cats were aliens and dogs wanted to dance with them and eat pie!

joah nacobs
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An aunt of mine told me that a dog can tell if you're a good person or not. I believed this until I met a dog that didn't like me and then noticed that other dogs still did.

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When I was little, a stray cat came to our house. I 'named' him 'Slimey' because that was the name of Oscar the Grouch's worm on Sesame Street, and I thought that was what you named all pets.

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