i used to believe

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cats and dogs

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Childhood beliefs are a funny thing. I had so many funny childhood beliefs that only a few can be mentioned here. As a small child, I used to believe that dogs and cats got married.

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As a child I thought that cats and dogs couldn't get along like Tom and Jerry saw they didn't get along

Johanna Velasco
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I once believed, for about a day after hearing the name, that heins 57 meant the dog was 57 different breeds of dog

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I visited my grandparents house for a few days by myself when I was young. My unkle lived with them they had three cats between them a black one (Roo) a gray one (phido) and a calico (AC-DC) anyway, I thought that my relatives had the ability to turn into their cats. I thought my grandma turned into the black one. My grandpa turned into the gray one. And my unkle turned into the calico. I thought that when I got older I would get a cat of my own that I could turn into. I'd seen the cats and the people in the same room and I knew it wasn't reality but I still thought it would be neat if it were true and I remember keeping secrets from the cats as though they were the relatives.

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I used to believe that my cat could communicate with me by mind, and I would have conversations with her!

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i used to believe that if you slept with cats that they would eat your soul and you would die!!

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i used to belive that my dogs understood me when i spoke to them

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I used to think that my female cat wanted to be a human man. I used to say that she had 'a mannish look about her'. I have no idea why.

Weird person
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I remember the first time I saw a manx cat and I thought it's tale had been cut off. My grandma tried to tell me otherwise, but I wouldn't believe her.

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When I was little I used to belive that dogs pooped out their tales...

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When I was about 4, I was convinced that all dogs were male & all cats were female.

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when i was little, i used to think of all the long, curly haired/ tiny dogs as guys, and the big dogs as boys. It made seeing alotta dogs in public kinda akward

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I used to believe that cats came bad energy.

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When I used to walk to school I imagined that if I wished hard enough I could transform into a german sheperd and back into a human again. That I could escape school and run to people's back doorsteps where I would beg for scraps of food and prowl the wood for other dog friends. Then at the end of the day I would walk back home, imagining myself as a dog until I got onto my street.

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Whenever my older siblings wanted me to get out of their rooms and I refused, they would say mom got a puppy and it's in the kitchen. If I still didn't beleive them they would say at every little noise, "Hear it running around?", or "It's begging you to go play with it". I beleived them very time!

"Paranoid" Cat Eyes
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My grandfather told me that if a cat wasn't pure breed, the tail would fall of if you lifted the cat after it... Guess who paniced when he lifted the cat next-door...I knew that he was a many-mixed cat!!!

But it came came to an happy end, even though I was pretty upset with my grandfather for some hours ;)

The Cat
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I thought that all dogs were amle and all cats were female!!

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I used to think when I heard "bitch" on TV that the woman had been turned into a woman and that she used to a dog

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when i was around 8, i asked my grandma how old her cat was, and she said around 16 years old. At this point in my life i thought that my grandmas cat had taken on the soul of a 16 year-old girl and was a very angsty cat, which explained why it didnt like me

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When I was a kid, I had a cat who ended up turning rabid. My parents insisted they take it to a "farm" to live happily in the open planes. I believed them until I was my mid-teens, then was devastated to learn what really happened.

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