i used to believe

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cats and dogs

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when i was young i thought a shelter for a cat was called a cat house until i said it out loud and my mom beat the snot out of me

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I believes that dogs can talk like people.

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i thought that i could milk my cat, barney.so when he felt me squeezing his niples and my parents saw i was reffered to a child physicalagist and still arent allowed any pet with niples

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I used to think that dogs humped eachother cuz it just was fun, not to make babies. They did it for so long i thought it just felt good to them!

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i belevied that there was something watching me when i was in bed. When i grew up i relized that it was my dog standing in the doorway:)

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When I was younger I thought all cats were girls and that dogs were boys. I have no idea why

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I used to believe that a shitzu was called a snickerdoodle and a labradoodle was a cross between a labrador and a snickerdoodle.

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i used to think cats were girls and dogs were boys

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When I was a child, I believed that all dogs were boys and all cats were girls.

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When I was a kid I thought that all dogs were boys and all cats were girls. When sex-ed came along I was super confused on how each species kept going.

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I thought dogs were the males and cats were the females - because obviously, cats were the smaller, prettier ones.

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I used to believe as a child that cats were the girls (since they were kinda prissy and feminine) and dogs were the boys (since they were kinda rough and tuff) and if they had babies cats were born for the female sex and dogs were born for the male sex.

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when i was little i used to pull my cats eyes open when he was asleep. i was fascinated at the thought that he rolled his eyes back in his head. my dad saw me do it one day and explained that cats have nictating membranes.

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I used to believe that all cats were girls and dogs were boys.

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I used to believe that cats were for girls and dogs were for boys :))

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My cousin used to tell me if you watched a dog pee, you get pink eye. I believed him.

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I used to believe that all dogs were boys and all cats were girls.

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That all lions were male and all tigers were female. I also thought all dogs were male and all cats were female.

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I used to believe that if you wanted to find out if a cat was a boy or a girl you would look under his chin and if there was a dark hair then it was a boy.

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when i was small i liked to pretend i was a dog. i actually howled at the moon i also sang that song "i wanna be a dog" i now im crazy! i wanted a real dog but my mom wouldnt buy me one. now i finally have one! yay!

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