i used to believe

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creepy crawlies

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I used to believe that the sound of crickets at night was actually coming from the twinkle of the stars.

Lily Fagioli
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when i was little i believed that it was up to me to build ants a place to live. so i would mold a clump of mudd into a house-like shape, (or atleast attempt) and build a little ant city. strangely enough, a colony of ants actually lived there for a while. haha

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I used to believe that under the bed there were small 1 legged bugs that hopped around. They had a circular body and they had a little sphere that was yellow that went into the leg and the center. If you were good that day they would give you a nice dream. If you were bad then they would give you a nightmare and possibly, embarassing sleepwalks.- hope no one minds about it being in creepy crawlies

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when i was younger i thought ants had tongues. i always pictured them sticking their tongues out at me.

i was an idiot
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I used to believe that ants in an ant colony wore colonial style clothing because the only other colonies I knew of at the time were the American ones.

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I used to believe that if you plucked a leaf off a bush and carefully removed all of the greenery, except for the main part of the leaf - I guess the stem of the leaf, that the stem would then turn into a caterpillar. It just seemed completely logical at the time. I used to walk home from school, creating caterpillars from overhanging trees and shrubs.

Doug - the caterpillar creator
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I used to believe that stepping on an ant made it rain thanks to my grandfather. After he told me this I promptly ran outside and stepped on the biggest ones I could find expecting to create a gigantic storm.

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i use to believe that the resin you got buggers in your nose was that natts would fly up your nose and lay there eggs up there, making the buggers

one wierd kid
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When i was younger i used to believe that flea markets sold fleas and only fleas. I thought it was like a petland for fleas.

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When I was young I was told that if gnats landed on you they laid thousands of eggs in your skin. Even if they just landed for a second, and that a month later they would all come flying out of your skin. I was terrified of the things

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When i was four or five, i thought that there were little ants inside of a car air conditioner that blew air. when we turned it on high, it would blow harder. when we turned it on low, it would blow softer. and it had a group of friends that took over if he got too out of breath. haha ^^

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1-i used to believe that humans were controlled by ants and they had a laboratory in your head and could see through your eyes and the more in shape your body was the more technology the ants had
2-i believed that if you droped your food once you could pick it up again and eat it but if you drop it again it was too nasty to eat it, i think its because when i was small when i asked my parents a question they were too busy and would answer yes or no so i would stop asking and ill actually believe them

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When I was eight I became convinced butterflies stalked you because whenever I was outside one always seemed to be coming near me, and in the butterfly zone at the Bronx zoo on a class trip I was screaming (was afraid of ALL insects back then) because they all seemed to be following me and wouldn't go away.

When I was eleven it was DRAGONFLIES that I thought would stalk you.

Now I'm slooowwly getting over my fear of both those bugs (completely done with the fear of butterflies) and I still think they stalk you but I dun really care anymore.

Oh, and BEES stalk you too

Getting over insect phobia one bug at a time
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When I was about eight I used to think that if you touched bug juice (insect blood), you would turn into a bug. I didn't know what it looked like back then, so I was kinda paranoid about it and avoiding everything that even looked vaguely like it even if it was just spilled drink turned dark from fading into fabric on the furniture or something.

There's bug juice on my ceiling right now
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i used to believe that in your nails whenever you scratched your head your nits got really deep into your nails they went to nitty heaven!!!!!! im gonna be 8 this year!!!!!

gorgous dionne
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top belief!

I thought that snails were created when it rained somehow as I only saw them when it rained.. I thought they came out of the sky.

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when i was little i thought that locusts were alens. i went into my backyard one day and saw one on my playset and it was cumin out of its shell thing and it was all green and crap....i then ran inside yelling "ALIEN! ALIEN!" and my parents thought i was crazy until they saw wat i had seen lol

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My sisters used to "call an ant hurricane" to me when she wanted something from me. So they said "oh mighty ants get me bother!" i would scream give them what the wanted.

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(this is what my mom told me about when she was little) when she was watching tv, she would always think that the people inside were roachs that had crawled up inside and would dress up like people.....

Donna (my mom)
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top belief!

I used to ask how shoes became untied and my parents explained that it was ants who untied them while I was walking. Well after that I would always be checking my shoes for ants on the laces and I could never find them. I just thought they were very sneaky.

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