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I used to have this twisted belief that if I was nice enough to a wasp, he might become my friend. He would talk to me, walk on my arm but never sting, and convince all his buddies to refrain from stinging when they landed on me or any member of my family.

active imagination
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When I was little i use to belive that a aunt (the insecs) was my aunt Sarah.

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i used to believe that bugs came out of canned bug spray

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When I was young I used to think I was God for the ants as they couldn't see me, their sky was as far as my knees

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I know this isnt a huge funny belief, but I used to think that all spiders were poisonous. I love spiders now!

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As a kid in I think 5th-6th grade, I was already scared of spiders, but after reading a book with lots of information about them, I no longer feared having a web spun in my throat. However, I learned about an Australian spider called the funnel web that was supposed to be as deadly as a black widow. The book said if it bites you, you turn blue and then die within three days. Because of this, whenever I visited my aunt and uncle, I was constantly afraid for my life because there were funnel-shaped webs scattered around the lawn. Of course, they live in Montana, in the US, pretty far from Australia...

Duran Artora
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When I was younger, I was deathly afraid of spiders in general due to a story my brother told me, saying that "If you squish one of the little spiders, a big one will come along while you sleep, crawl in your mouth and spin a web in your throat so you choke to death". I freaked out whenever I saw a little spider cause I was afraid I might accidentally kill it.

Duran Artora
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One night I had a dream that a moth landed on my head and my skull caved in. I was CONVINCED this was a sign from someone/something that it would happen. I would run screaming the other way when I saw a moth or a butterfly...I'm still very scared of them.

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My Dad told his little brother when they were kids that Dragon flies were hellocopters for the ants to drive.They were ages 15 and 5 at the time or about that age.Years later like 30 we were at a family reunion and My Uncle said something about the ants driving like they were drunk.He belived that the ants drove dragon flies all those years.I had been born by this time and was about 14 years old so it was something he belived his whole life.

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When I was a child I used to believe that if you left some bread lying around for long enough it would turn into ants.

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i used to think that moths were travelling to different worlds when they circled the lights

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When I was young I asked my father why people called the small sugar ants 'piss ants'. He explained to me that this is because piss ants cannot urinate. Seeing my confused expression he went on to tell me that when I see a really big ant, I should stay away because they are about to explode! I was always carful to avoid the big ants as a child.

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I am terrified of bug especially roaches. When I was little sometimes i would fall asleep on the couch and wake up in my own bed so when I asked about it my dad said the giant sewer roaches would come out and move me so they could watch tv. I had nightmares for years and I never slept on the couch until I was married and had kids of my own.

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I told my sister that slugs werent really insects but a waterproof casing for those tiny red spiders that run about on walls in hot weather. I told her that whenever there was rain about 10,000 of the little red spiders run inside their waterproof case and move around together in the form of a slug. she believed every word

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i used to think when i fell asleep spiders would capture me and eat me.

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My younger brother used to call a wasp, a "wass." I realised what he was saying one day when we were on our porch and there was a wasp nest in the doorway. He looked at them, and ran away yelling: "The wasses are gonna sting you!"

Kaylee G.
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I used to think that spiders could fly if they wanted to, even though everyone kept telling me they couldn't. I ahve a strange memory of a big orange spider "flying" down into my face when I was about 3 years old on my swingset. I also later believe they could pack up their webs and use them as parachutes to jump down from tall places. Later, in science class, I learned this was false. Silly me!

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top belief!

A friend of mine told me about a kid in his class who had a pet slug. Apparently, one day the class happened to be discussing how salt kills slugs when you put it on them. This kid said, "Wait, salt KILLS slugs?!?" The poor kid's uncle had put salt on the pet slug and then told the kid that the slug was now "hibernating". The kid believed him... until he heard this. Which (this is disgusting) was a year after his uncle had put salt on the slug!!!

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When I was younger I used to believe that termites were invisible and about 2 feet tall. They would climb all over the houses to eat the wood. This was from watching those scary pest control commercials.

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When i was younger my sister told me that when you cut worms in half they would be become 2 seperate worms. so when ever the trick came up where you could cut the person in half (you know with the wooden box?) i just figured they were 2 people. which was aslo my explanation to 'midgets'

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