i used to believe

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I used to believe Dragons were real like Dinosaurs. I found out the other day they weren't.. Haha.

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I used to believe that when people dissected frogs in school, the frogs were just sleeping. Like if they had an operation, the people would put them back together after the dissection and then the frogs would just go back to living their lives.

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I used to believe that The Horse was The Cow's husband, and that it produced chocolate milk.

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When I was little my dad always used to joke and say "Look! A flock of turtles!" Then he would quickly snatch a chip or a piece of food. I grew up actually thinking that the collective noun for turtles was a 'flock'

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I thought that when they raise animals for food they would wait for them to die of old age before we ate them as I figured it would be too mean to kill them..

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I used to believe that every squirrel I saw was the same squirrel because when my mom and I saw a squirrel anywhere, my mom would say, "Look, there's your squirrel friend!" And I believed her :-p

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When I was little, I used to believe the cause of earthquakes were Gorillas and Monkeys standing on my rooftop shaking the house, kinda like King Kong. After the big '94 earthquake that took place in Northridge, California, I ran out my house looking for the monkeys, but was very disappointing when I couldn't find any. It wasn't until years later when I learned about science and seismic waves that I understood the real cause of earthquakes.

Taleen Michelle
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I thought for a long time that beaver and badger are the same animal

Ted Snow
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I used to wonder why Great White sharks were called that as what was so great about them if they eat people (this was before I knew great could also just mean big.

Ted Snow
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I used to believe that brown cows made chocolate milk

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I thought that rat poison is only poisonous to rats and harmless to humans and other animals (fortunately I never acted on this)

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I used to believe tigers were all female,and lions were all males. When they breeded and had a cub; if it were female, it was a tiger and if it were male it was a lion.

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Not so much a belief, but an assumption. We used to drive the same route to go camping and along one road was a farm with a signpost out front. The top one said RABBITS FOR SALE and the one below it said FRESH EGGS. I always assumed the eggs were rabbit eggs. I was about 14 before it dawned on me that the eggs were chicken eggs.

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When I was little, people told me to watch out for the undertow when I was on the beach. I thought they said 'undertoad' so whenever I went to the beach I always got scared and thought that a giant toad lived in the ocean and would suck me underwater.

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At home when I was bored, my mother would tell me to go outside and lay on the ground because I might be able to see Pegasus, the mythological Greek flying horse. So I'd lay out in the yard all day looking up at the sky for Pegasus and being very quiet so not to scare him away. I just knew he'd fly by at any time.

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I used to believe that ponies were actually baby horses

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I used to believe that jellyfish changed colors, because the two places where I could see them had tanks with lights that changed color. It never dawned on me until years later, that all the the jellyfish and the water changed the same color at the same time.

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When I was little I was trying to catch a squirrel and my mom said that they were bad for you to touch. I spent many years thinking that squirrels were covered in a deadly poison and you would drop dead if you touched one.

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I thought that some animals had just been "invented" recently (like within the last 50 years or so)

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My parents bought a souvenir starfish back from the Bahamas. I used to believe if you place it in water it would re-hydrate and come alive, then stick to my arm or face and never let go. I somewhat still believe this and won't touch it!

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