i used to believe

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When we had to put my rabbit Misty to sleep, I was about four years old. I didn't understand what it meant to put her "to sleep," and my parents did the best they could to explain that Misty-Bunny was going to see God. Until I was about nine, I thought this meant they put the bunny on a magic, rising platform, fixed her up, and put a halo on her as the platform rose out of a big hole in the ceiling so she could go see God.

Jet Angel
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when i was little i was afraid of the movie theaters because i though pigs would fly out of the walls and kill me

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i used to believe that everytime a dog's shivers or does a shake like when they come out of the sea, a kitten is still born. and when rice-crispies stop craclking you have to leave them or else you loose your hands. and whenever you stand on a squaeky floorbaord upstairs in a building it would be bad luck not to lift them up and kick through the ceiling with the intention of emptying the contents of your wallet onto the people below.

Raspertuertry & Geruertry ul ul Benf
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My cousin and I used to believe if we pulled up enough moss and arranged it in a bed that panda bears would come and sleep on them at night. Unfortunately we didn't have any moss in our yard so we walked over to our neighbors yard. There is now a privacy fence. And i just now realized panda bears don't sleep on moss.

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I used to think that the atmeal goat was after me. I never did learn who he was.

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My grandmother used to hang small, decorative animals from her flowerpots. I believed these animals to have all died while on a long journey to get to the plant.

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I used to believe that every species of animal had it's own language and was just as intelligent as humans. I also used to believe that fish got into an isolated pond via evolution from pond scum

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i belived that ducks would take over the world

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This isn't mine, but my little sister used to believe that our lives were just stories being read by a giant cat to its kittens

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I used to believe cows were ugly horses

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I believed that when sheep got sheered they would put their wool in an asda plastic bag, put it behind the couch and save it for when they needed it again!!

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when i was very young my Mum would tell me that humans came from monkeys. I used to think that she meant we were born as monkeys, and grew into humans over the course of our lifetime.

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A very long time ago at the zoo we'd go to, they had some Przewalski's horses. I couldn't remember their name, I only knew the "alski" part. I figured that since they were the only horses at the zoo, and that the zoo was the only place I saw them, I could stick "zoo" on their name and be correct. I called them "Zooalski horses" and wondered why my parents were laughing at me. xD

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When I was about 5, I honestly believed pheasants were robots made out of metal bins with wobbly arms and would sit in fields making strange bird noises.

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When I was about eight, maybe seven, I had a nightmare that my mom got eaten by a shark.

I took to warning her about every little inch of water she approached, even if it was shower water. Luckily that only lasted about a day or two.

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I used to believe when I was little that Dinosaurs lived in the irrigation systems. Like when you go over a freeway ramp usually you can see those huge tunnels. I guess it's for rain water and flooding? I was always scared a dinosaur might come out, they never did, I just figured they were probably hibernating.

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when i was about 5 yrs old, i was at my uncle's cottage and when night fell, i saw fireflys for the first time. I ran to my uncle and asked what are those things glowing in the forest? He told me that if i knew that ghosts are invisible, then they form themselves into flys and that they glow at night cause they are not flys, they are ghosts. This sacred the living heck out of me and i asked my uncle what are we going to do to get rid of them? He told me when i go to bed tonight, i was to take my toy gun with me and if any of these "ghosts" gets inside my room, i was instructed to shoot them and if i missed any of the them, my uncle will shoot them with his hunting rifle. My mother was so mad at my uncle cause i couldn't sleep for days after that. Even today, i can't look at fireflys the same way as everyone else and i'm in my mid forties

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i used to believe that animals talk but theyre too shy to talk infront of people so they make unusual sounds (meow, rawr, oink) to communicate in code language or something xD

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I live on a farm and when i was about three i used to help my dad shear the sheep we had on the farm..well i believed i was helping and then afterwards when we were having dinner a neighbour of mine asked why only my dad could shear the sheep....to which i replied "beacause he knows where the buttons on their coats are!"

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When I was 3 or 4, (now I am 21) my mom bought me three goldfish. She asked me to name them. Mind you, I have never even heard of the TV show Full House. I named them Michelle, Stephanie, and Diana because I liked those names. OK, so Diana isn't DJ, but it's close enough, right? I find that sort of weird.

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