i used to believe

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I used to think that living in a basement flat meant that you lived underground in the dark with no windows or garden

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I used to be really afraid to go in the basement at night, because I thought there was a monster hiding in there

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I used to believe that the way I sat next to the bottom of the fridge to get warm, was because of a bomb fire in the basement. So everytime I went down there, I searched for a huge fire in the storage room.

Sophia Elaine
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my dad told me and my brother there was a family of hobos in the basement i believed him . one time my mom told me to go get some milk from down there never had i been so scared in my life .

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The Ceiling
When I was a kid I used to think that monsters lived on the roof of my house, that there for my 8, 9 years. My parents said it was only the ceiling plaster crackling, but I did not believe I was sure were monsters and so hated being alone at home.
At bedtime I was fidgeting on the bed, because the snaps listened and thought were the steps of the monsters coming to get me and covered me with the whole cover, afraid to open his eyes and he was looking at me.
It was very scary and even today sometimes still get very frightened by these noises.

Isabelle Godoy
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I used to believe that bad people lived in my basement. There was a tiny hole in the wall by the stairs where I thought they could see me so I used to jump over the hole to run up the stairs. I still think about it...

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I used to believe that the sound of white noise at night was men in my basement marching and they were going to come and get me.

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top belief!

When my mum moved out into a different house there was this basement in the house that had 'Elvis lived here' and then it had a date on the wall saying when he lived there. She made me believe that Elvis Presley really lived in some random house in England and I really believed he was still alive, especially when I saw a Jerry Springer episode with this guy saying he was Elvis.

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We moved when I was eight. In the basement of our new house there was a storage room, and inside that room was the boiler room. For no reason that I can think of, I was always terrified that there was a dead man hanging in the boiler room. To this day I don't like to go in there and turn on the light as fast as I can.

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Between the ages of 7 and 9 I truly believed that Freddy Krueger lived in the hot water tank in my basement. When I'd have to go to the basement to get anything I would creep down the stairs slowly until the bottom step then I would run as fast as I could to get whatever it was I needed (usually some toy I'd left down there) and then I would bolt back up the stairs as to not disturb him.

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When I was 4-6, my uncle moved into a new house. He had a huge basement with a wooden staircase. Due to the Home Alone series which I loved, I was afraid to climb down the stairs because I thought I'd fall through

Home Alone Girl
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When I was younger, I was always afraid of being in the basement by myself if it was dark, so if I was turning off the lights at night, I would run up the stairs. After I turned off the lights, I was convinced that monsters came out and had a party in my basement.

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I used to believe there was a giant squirrel that lived in my grandparents basement. I would only go down there with a lot of people.

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When I was growing up, my parents had a crawlspace in their basement. My cousins used to tell me that a little skinny blue boy named Andrew lived in there and wanted to eat me. I avoided the basement.

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When I was little my dad would tell me that Dino from the Flinstone's was evil and he ate little kids. He also said that he lived in my basement. I truly believed that it was true and never went in my basement

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When I was little my grandfather would tell us a story. "There once was a little (boy or girl) named (enter name) who came to visit" (I don't remember all of it), but he would say it in such a quiet deep voice, that all us grandchildren would get close to hear, and he would go on, and at the end he would scream "And the Boggieman Got Them" - We would all scream -- TO this day, I will not be in their basement alone, and I walk up the stairs backwards, because Im afraid of the boogieman! - Im 26!

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When I was little my dad told me that there were ceiling trolls in the basement and to scare them off I had to stick a piece of cheese to my forehead when i went down to get the laundry...

Pretty sure my dad laughed everytime I did it, and I just thought it was because he was big enough to not need the cheese anymore...

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When I was like 3 years my grandfather died and a few years later I discovered a hole covered with a metal plate underneath the stairs in our basement.
Until I was 10 or so I kept thinking that my dead grandfather was buried in there.
Until my parents built a wall there so there is no space underneath the stairs I was scared to hell whenever I passed that hole!

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I used to belive their was a killer Pink Bunny living in my basement, this was becasue of a old easter decoration lying in the shadows of my basement.

Later on in life I thought the Basement was infested with spiders, due to the cobwebs clinged to the ceiling.

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when i was little i thought if i didnt run up the basement stairs when my back was turned, a wolf would get me

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