i used to believe

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At 3 or 4 years old, I believed that the walls of your house were hollow and served as massive water reservoirs. The taps literally opened a hole in the wall and let all the water just fall out. This strange belief system also held that if you forgot to turn the tap off, your house would flood, with the whole street following soon after, finally resulting in a Biblical Deluge which would basically destroy the world. A panicky "forgot which way to turn the tap off" incident, combined with a number of nightmares about small leaks in the walls of our home, saw me become the "Guardian of the Taps" at my kindergarten. When time came to wash up before our snack, I would man the sink and ensure the safety of our planet.

Antonius Maximus
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I used to believe that elves lived inside my faucet and that they used water bottles to make the water come out. When one water bottle was used up the elves would make a hole in the bottom of the bottle and pour another one in so that the water would not stop. Eventually they would have several dozen water bottles stacked up on each other.

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whenever i am in the bathroom i have to open the shower curtain up just to make sure there is no one hiding inside the shower.

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i used to be scared to death of the sound of the last bit of water going down thre plughole. i'd race out of the bathroom n shout loudly whilsy covering my ears to i couldnt hear it.

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when i was little i used to be afraid of taking showers because i thaught a huge car wash brush would crash through the ceiling and wash me to death.

wacko zacho
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i used to believe that, if i ever stayed in the bathtub for too long, i would get stung by a bunch of bees.

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top belief!

I used to think that recycled toilet paper was just used paper that had been washed. My mum went mad when I tried to make my own!!!

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i used to believe that if a paper towel went down the sink drain, the fire alarm would go off. i hated the fire alarm.

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top belief!

After watching the movies Volcano and Dante's Peak when I was WAY too young, I was afraid to take a shower or bath for a week because I used to believe lava would come out of the taps.

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when i was really small i would lap up the water from the shower while bathing... and so my mum told me that any water that came from a tap and wasn't boiled was "germ-water" and would kill me eventually... i grew up believing this until i was, like, seven...! even when i'd play house i'd kill off my 'husband' by saying.. "oh he died by drinking germ-water"... thanks, mum.

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You know when you turn on the hot tap & the water comes out cold first, so you do a little 'come here' motion with your hand in the water to see when it is hot enough without risking burning yourself? Well it turns out my daughter (aged about 5) understandably assumed that this hand action is how you 'turn the water hot'. She explained this to me kindly and patiently when one day I ran the hot tap & complained that all the hot water had run out. I have never corrected her.

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After I saw Titanic, I had a fear of water since all the dead people were in it. When I got home that night to take a shower, I was afraid that the actualy Titanic would come bursting through the pipes, and all the dead people with it! And when I went to the bathroom I was afraid that a dead person would come through the toilet to try to get me while I was doing my business

Fraidy Cat
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top belief!

You know on the back of the toothpaste, where it says, "Children under 7 should only use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste"? Well, I really couldn't wait till I was 7, and on my 7th birthday, woke up, and I can vividly remember saying to myself, "YES! I can use more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste!"
I was very strange.

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my son used to love the bathtub when he was younger and the only way to get him to get out of the tub was to tell him the water wanted to go home to its mommy.

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When I was little I always made sure I got out the bath befor I pulled the plug, because I thought you could get sucked down it and into the drain and no one would find you.... but even worse was the thought I might get stuck in the plug and never get out!!!

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When I was little, I used to think that the bathtub rested on the back of a great white shark and that when I unplugged the drain, it could swim away, drop me into the ocean, and eat me. Therefore, I always made sure to get out of the bath BEFORE I unplugged it...and I actually still do today.

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when i was about six, i visited my friend. in her bathroom, the wallparper had a sweirled design. i was in there, and i could have swown the wallpaper was moving, so i pressed on the wall, and it pushed in a little (my friends house was old, the walls bent sometimes)! so, that night i was convinced if you pushed into the wall, you could teleport to any bathroom. my friend and he mom laughed so hard when i told them their bathroom was a teleporter.

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top belief!

I used to have a fear of taking a shower when I was around 7-8, and when I took one I did it as quickly as possible.


I believe King Tut's mummified body would fall out of the ceiling and into the bathtub.

However, what I never questioned is what was King Tut doing on my ceiling...

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When I was a child, I used to be very careful when brushing my teeth because I thought the water that went down the drain came back up throught the faucet and therefore, there was a limited supply that could run out.

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I always hated taking baths when I was younger, because I believed the reflections and the light rays in the tub meant that there were sharks around waiting to eat me.

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