i used to believe

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I always check the shower if I go to the bathroom during the night because you KNOW those two little girls from the Shining are going to pop out and go "Come play with me Katey...." I saw that movie when I was twelve and I thought, oh, that would be cool, I'd play with them, up until the part when I saw them all dead! I freaked out. I am now 14.

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Whenever I go to the bathroom in somebody else's house, and they have a shower with the curtain drawn, I always check behind it to make sure nobodys behind there! This is weird because I've never gone to to the bathroom and had someone be behing there.

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I heard of a legend of a woman covered in blood coming out of a puddle of water if you were near and kill you if you disrespected your parents. I was sort of the obnoxious child, and our shower mat covered the drain so as I took showers there would always be a puddle. I worried that this woman would come out of the puddle and get me, so I'd always glance at the toilet water every few seconds from behind the shower curtain, and I'd hurry up in showers always thinking to myself, "I love my parents we're best friends!" thinking she can hear my thoughts and she'd believe me.

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I believed that if I was sitting on the toilet while it flushed it would suck me down and I would have to live in the sewer.

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I had all these little plastic frogs that I would play with in the bathtub, and sometimes I would put them in their round pink boat and push them around the tub. 7 years later in sex ed I learned what a diaphragm looked like...thanks mom!

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When I was a child and when my mom would give me a bath, to get me to keep my head back so that she could wash my hair, she would tell me "talk to Mr Ceiling" i really thought there was a man that lived in our ceiling!!!

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I used to think that if I pulled the plug out of the bathtub while I was still in the tub I would be sucked down the drain with all the water. If either of my parents came into the bathroom and pulled the plug, I would jump out screaming.

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When i was little i thought the those bubbles that you see in the drain in your shower were fishes and the sea went all the way to my shower.

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My mother took me to see the 3D Jaws movie when I was 2 (?) and I refused to keep my glasses on. She, apparently ready for anything, took a rubber band, a small pair of scissors and a mini stapler out of her purse. She cut off the arms to my 3D glasses and snipped the rubber band in two. Then she stapled the new 'arms' onto the frames of the glasses and sat me down again.

For the longest time, even though we had a septic tank then, I was convinced Jaws lived in the drain of our tub and was waiting to spring out and get me everytime I let the water out. For a long while I got my mom to pull the plug after I was safely down the hall (my logic dictated Jaws only wanted me, not anyone else). She finally got fed up with this arrangement and started making me pull it myself. I would stand there, huddled in a towel and sob, begging her not to make me do this horrible thing. I would literally stand as far away from the tub as I could get, facing the open door and FLY out of the bathroom, all the while pulling the chain attached to the plug and usually screaming my head off.

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When we were kids my Mom told us that we were not supposed to drink the water from the tub, and we thought she meant that we could not drink the water from the tub faucet because it was bad for you. So for the longest time I thought the water that came out of the faucet was only to bath in not to drink.

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My dad had a hard time getting my sister and I out of the bathtub when we were little, so he would tell us that if he pulled the plug from the drain we would go down the drain with the water!! We believed him

Jennie Dibean
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i used to believe our fan in the bathroom was a monster because it made so much noise ! so everytime i went to the toilet i would talk to the fan so it wouldnt hurt me!! lol i kept this habit until we moved out of the house we lived in and our new fan didn make noise like the old one!

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When I was younger, I believed that beavers lived in the air vents, so when I would go to the bathroom, I would close the air vents. Sometimes, I would leave the air vents open and talk to them while I were on the toilet.

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When I was little, I thought that if I pulled the drain while I was still taking a bath, I would get sucked down with the water and have to live in the sewers, where the evil mole people would find me and eat me.

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When i was little, my cousin (about 4 yrs older than me) told me that if you swallowed toothpaste you would die, so whenever my mom told me to brush my teeth i would just go in the bathroom an wet my toothbrush cause i was afraid the toothpaste might slide down my throat somehow.

Miss Tiffany
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I used to believe that when i took a bath there was whales and sharks below me, because our bathroom was over the ocean so we could get water. I was always afraidto take a long bath or shower because i was afriad they'd come up and try to get me!

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my sister read a part from the book "it" about the clown that comes up from the drain to kill people. it totally freaked me out so i was scared to take a bath. i'm 15 and i still think about it when i get in the bathtub.

scaredy cat
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I used to think that when I took baths, I had to get out of the tub before I could let the water out, or I would get sucked down the drain. Well one day I did an experiment with it and suck my foot in the drain and waited to see if Id get sucked out of the drain. Of course,I didnt,but my foot got stuck.lol. Go figure.

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When I was a child I was convinced whenever I took a bath that Captain Hook would come out of the faucet. I would sit there at the other end of the tub and watch it, waiting for his hook to come down out of it.

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i used to be so scared of the shower. We had this weird tile that looked like poeple were staring at you from behind the tile. for years I thought that I would be sucked into the world behind the tiles if I didn't entertain the people so I would do soap commercials and dance and sing in the shower.

Message from the Tile People!!!
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