i used to believe

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I used to think that only girls could take baths, and only boys could take showers, because I only ever saw my mother in the bathtub and my dad only took showers. I got really freaked out one day when my sister said she was going to take a shower; I thought she was breaking the law.

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ok, after taking a bath, when you take the drain plug out, it makes that wierd noise, right? so my little sister and I were sure it was a crocodile that lived under our bath. i'm not sure why, i doesn't even sound like a crocodile, but it never really bothered us.

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Until my adolescent years, I believed that if you went into the shower on one side of the curtain, you had to leave on the same side. If you left the shower on the other side, you would be in another evil dimension.

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When I was little I use to believe that the middle part where the water comes out from on the shower head was an eye looking at my naked body. So I use to wear shorts in the shower so the eye couldnt see my private parts.
Till this day I still wear shorts in the shower. I'm 34.

James Li
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Like some children, I used to believe that I would get sucked down the drain in the tub. Do you want to know why I thought that? My sisters, who are 10 and 12 years older than me, hid in closets and used to yell "Help me! Help me! I slipped down the drain!" There I was, running to every drain in every sink and tub in our house, crying "I'll save you! I'll save you!" I should send them the bill for all the therapy I've received over the years!

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I used to think that when I flushed the toilet, I had to get out of the bathroom before it finished flushing, or bad guys could come out of it and chase me.

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I used to beleive there was this creepy man hiding behind the bathroom door, just ready to kill me when I opened it. So, in the middle of the night, being my spunky self, slowly opened the door and then quickly slammed it to the back, to find out nothing was there. I used to do it every time, thinking he somehow escaped everytime.

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I used to beleive if I went to the bathroom at night and went in without turning the lights on the second I got in, this freaky chinese dragon would come and take me away... I was an odd child..

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when i was 2nd grade, everytime i take a shower i was so scared that they'll be lava running out of the pipes. I was scared enough i forgot to use shampoo twise.

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I used to believe that if I was not out of the tub before all the water ran out, that I would somehow go down the drain as well.

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i used to believe that a monster would come out of the showerhead if i closed my eyes but it couldnt hurt me if i touched something white, so i always made sure i was holding on to the tile in the tub to be safe.

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I used to believe that in the middle of a hot tub there was a big whirlpool that would suck me in and never let me go if I crossed the hot tub. I think I got this idea from my mom telling me once not to swim in the middle of a hot tub.

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In the bathtub there was a dried drop of paint, but I believed it was a porthole to where Peter Rabbit lived. I was always afraid the mean gardener would come through the porthole and see me naked.

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I used to believe..and it still scares me sort of till this day..that when i got in the bath tub..and stayed in there too long..Jaws(shark) would bust up through the bathtub and eat me. ..lol...the damage of shark movies.

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My 4 yr. old daughter has a panic attack if anyone pulls the drain plug out of the drain of the bathtub while she is in it because she believes that she will go down the drain with her bathwater. I used to believe the same thing when I was little and thought it was neat that she did too!

Kerry E.
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The plumbing in our home used to have a lot of air in it so the water would sputter and spurt as it came out. This made me terrified to take a shower, every time the water would spurt I thought it was the Blob oozing through the pipe to eat me. My mom let me watch scary movies as a child, can you tell?

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Up until I was in high school I had an irrational fear that a monkey's paw lived in the plumbing in our bathroom. I regularly had nightmares about it attacking me.

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I used to believe that if I didnt get out of the tub before all the water went down the drain that I would get sucked down the drain, too. My mother told me this, I guess, because she was in a hurry and wanted me to get out of the tub.

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This one's about my neice,Amber. When she was younger my mom's bathroom had this vent that the cover was always coming off of. It was definitely something we encouraged her to stay away from. We told her that when she was born she had a twin sister named Bamber that was really bad and fell down into the vent. For the longest time, she believed us and wouldn't even go into the bathroom.

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When I was little I thought that when you flushed the toilet, Darth Vader would burst out of the shower wall. To this day (I'm 28), after using the potty, I have to fix my pants, wash my hands, and then flush. I still run like hell. My husband is very amused.

Kelly G.
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