i used to believe

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after i was finished with my bath and the water was draining out, the drain would make a sound which, to me, sounded exactly like a cow moo-ing. i was completely convinced that a farmer had previously lived in our house and after bathing his cow accidentally let it get sucked down the drain.
to this day i wont let any part of my body touch touch the drain if there's water in the tub.

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You know when kids have finished brushing their teeth they put the brush under the tap and then suck all the water from it? Probably not, but when I was younger I thought that you could only do that 5 times if you were 5, 6 times if you were 6, and so on, if you did any more your toothbrush would be taken away from you. Obviously.

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I used to think scales measured your feet because on time my grandma asked me what i was doing i told her i was measuring my feet and that i had a right to measure my feet to.

Mai valentine
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Once when I was really young I had a shower with my cousin. Well, the pipe had sort of broken that leads from the shower box to the head, and the head sort of started to 'wiggle' around and from then on I was scared of showers. I was cured of this fear a few years ago.

Tom (14 years old)
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I used to believe that every time anyone washed their hands or turned the water on in the bathroom sink, the water was pouring into the small drawer that was under the sink. I had no idea that what was REALLY in that drawer was spare toilet paper! I was afraid that one day, the drawer wouldn't be able to hold all the water and the door would bust off and the water would burst out and my house would flood.

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i use to belive taht "It" the scary clown would get me when i took a shower so i would alwyas leave the door cracked just incase. n in public bathrooms, they have those drains in the floors, well i won't walk on them bc im afraid this evil thing well take me under(thanks "Are you afraid of the Dark?")

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I used to think that when I was in the bath I shark lived under the bath and that ig might come up and bite me

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I used to belive that when i turned on the Tap something Magical would happen like a unicorn or something like that!

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When I was about 3, I believed that the water that went down the bath drain would go to God and Mary, having gone to a Catholic school. So, every time I had a bath, I'd deliberately force the water into the drain and say, "Here, God and Mary.." What a freak.

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wen i woz lil i used 2 hate going in the bath because i thought that a spider wud crawl up the plug hole and get me

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when i was 3 i was afriad i would be swept down the bathtub drain when the water was flowing out so i always made her pull me out before she pulled the plug. but then she made me sit down and look at the size of me and the size of the drain and i got the picture.

sarah b.
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As far as I knew, people took baths because they needed to be watered in order to grow, just like plants. It made absolutely perfect sense.

The only thing I couldn't figure out about it was why people kept on giving the excuse that people bathe to keep clean. Really, being watered seemed a whole lot more logical!

Jackie F
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I used to believe that the more water you ran in the sink, the bigger the sink bowl that was under the cabinet would get.

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When i was little i thought that if i stayed in the bathtub too long it would grow teeth and fold in half and turn into a shark and eat me.

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When I was really little, about 2-5 I didn't like taking baths because I thought I was going to go down the drain. If my mom pulled the drain I'd jump out quickly because I didn't want to get sucked in.

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When i was little I used to believe that the bristles on my toothbrush had big scary mouths that ate the plaque off your teeth. So then i was afraid that the bistles would eat my tounge. So i was always afraid to ever brush my teeth which might explain my mouth fungus......HAHA! jk.

pink ladies
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i used to think that if you closed your eyes in the shower, then little centipedes would come out of the shower head!

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I use to believe that perana could swim up the drain of the bath tub and eat you! Or at least that is what my sister told me when I was six, right after we watched the movie "Perana". I didn't take a bath for a year(I was stuck taking showers with a plate over the drain)!

sweet potata
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when i was around 5 or 6 i believed jabba the slug thing on star wars was down in the drain of the bath tub becasue so much gunk when down in it. so i would lean over the drain and talk to him but i would never put my finger in there i was to scared hed catch me

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When I was little, I asked my mom what the hole at the top of the bathroom sink was. (the overflow protection drain hole)
She told me that was for the water company to watch to make sure I wasn't using too much water. Sounded true to me at the time!

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