i used to believe

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I used to think that the sewers were a big pipe that is open on the top so you can see inside and there were these men in orange suits on each side of the tube who would sort the poop and pee from each other and they would go seperate ways!

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I used to believe that sharks swam up the plug hole when the plug was pulled outand would eat you if you did not get out of the bath before all the water went down the plug hole. It certainly made me jump out!!

siborg - Nottingham
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when i was 12 my dad said i didn't do such a great job cleaning the bathroom, and next time i should use some elbow grease
from that point on i would search high and low for the elbow grease in our cabinets, but never did find it
when i finally asked him to buy some more, he of coarse had a look on his face of disbelief, and in that i was never assigned that job again

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my sister told me that the large lump from the sink in the cabinet was a pig's stomach and it would eat me.

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When I was little when ever I took a bath I was afraid to drain it, because I thought if I sat near it, it would suck my butt towards it and if I didn't get away from it in time, it would start sucking my intestines out.

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I use to think that the bathtub would eat me. When I was really little and took a bath with my sister, I made her sit by the drain.

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I used to believe that if someone flushed the toilet when you were running the water (taking a shower, filling the tub, washing your hands etc) The pee or poop would come out of the faucet onto you...I think I got this idea because my Dad would always yell if we flushed the toilet when he was in the shower...I didn't realize what really happened is that the temp would change and burn him...oops...

J Lanphear
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When I was young and use to take baths, my mother would pull the drain in the tub and there would be a glug-glug sound
I believed that in the drain lived a family of bath tub people that drank the water as their food, one day there was a perticulary scary sound that came from the drain and what i believe to have happened was that the daddy bathtub person got greedy and drank all the familys water and exploded as a result

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top belief!

there is a make of sinks called 'armitage shanks' i used to think it was 'automatic sharks' so was really scared to wash my hands.

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When I was little, I always jumped out of the bathtub before the stopper was pulled because I thought you could could get sucked down the drain and you would end up in China. I would scream if one of my parents would pull the stopper and I was still in the water. My dad finally showed me that even my tiny child foot was larger than the drain and there was no chance it was going down.

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I used to think that if you ever went NEAR the drain in my bathtub, you would be sucked up and come out dead.

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when i was 5, i had some mino's left over from a fishing trip. my dad said i could keep them as pets. i had no fish tank, so i put them in the toilet. the water looked dirty, so i put some vanish in the toilet, it made the water blue, and the fish happy. it looked like they where dancing. until my dad flushed the toilet.

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top belief!

Like many young children, my (older) brother used to be afraid that he could be sucked down the drain of the bathtub. He once told me that to test his fear, he put me in the tub and drained it, to see if I would go down the drain. Apparently, I wasn't as important as he tub toys. Maybe that's why I never had a fear of the drain.

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I used to believe that if you stayed in the bath after all the water had drained out, you'd either be sucked down into the drain, or some hand would pull you down it. This led to me leaping out the bath the instant I pulled the plug out :P

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i used to belief that if i went into the bathroom in the dark and looked into the mirror, a man in black clothes would appear behind my shower curtain and attack me. i was scared of bathrooms for years.

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When i was 2 or 3, I remember my sister took me to the bathroom and that fan, it was on and it sounded like a lion and I said "Shut off the lion".

Big memory
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I used to believe that if you stayed in the tub when you unplugged it you would slip down the drain!!!

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When I was about 3 or 4, whenever I used to have a bath, I used to scream for someone to come a pull the plug out for me, and run away as soon as I heard the gurgling sound. This is because my older brother had told me that the gurgling sound was an evil skeleton who wanted my skin to wear as like a body-suit... I believed that until I was about 10. Though, I still get a little shaky every time I pull the plug!

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Not really a belief, but more a confussion.
As a young kid, when I'd get out of the bath, I'd never know whether to towel dry my hair or my body first.
If I dried my body first, my hair would drip onto my freshly dried body, and if I dried my hair first it would begin to soak up the water from my wet body.
It's a wonder I ever managed to dry at all.

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My mom used to say my teeth would turn yellow if I swallowed a lot of toothpaste. I didn't believe that, so I decided to test it out myself. I must have eaten about half of the tube. Obviously I got really sick. Still can't look at toothpaste the same way.

Crazy A
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