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I got afraid that characters from movies, would break into my bathroom while I was in the shower, and kill me. So I showered with the curtain half open. Every morning I'd have to clean up all the water on the floor.

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I used to wash my hands with Palmolive soap, interpreting the brand name as "Palm-o-live", assuming that their somewhat dubious marketing angle was that the soap would make your palms feel more "alive".

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When I watched a movie it had purple gozze coming out of the focet and for about three years I would turn on the the water and run out of the room for 5 minutes and then come back in and check it of corse it was always ok so i'd go headed and take a bath.

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I used to believe that aliens were in the bathub and they could get me at any time.

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When I was little I lived in this house and in the bathroom there was a hole in the shower where somebody had removed the shower head. Well, I had just watched Freddy Kruegur and my older sisters told me that he was going to come through the hole and get me. I was scared to death to be in the bathroom by myself and somebody had to always sit with me while I was in there.

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When I was a young gal, I thought that people could see into the bathroom, by looking into the crack by the ground. I was so scared that people could see me, that I would take towels and push them into the crack.

Crazy Gal
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to this day, im still afraid of the shower if it has curtians. I wont even go into the bathroom if the shower's curtain is closed. And i wont open it...someone else has to...even if i have to go outside to ask some one to open it for me...thank you physo, for freaking me out about shower crutains for the rest of my life.

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top belief!

I used to think that if you left the taps on for too long the sea would run out.

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When I was little (5-6) I asked my grandfather where the water went in over flow holes in the bathroom sink, surely joking he told me that it went to poor people. Weeks later, my mother caught me in the bathroom repeatedly filling up a paper cup and pouring in down the holes. Boy did she have it out with him when the water bill came!!!

Michelle Fox
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I use to think monsters lived in the drain in my shower.
(C'mon I was little)

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I believed that staying in the bathtub while the water was draining out would cause all the dirt to settle back onto my body.

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When I was young and impressionable, I asked my dad what that loud rumbling noise was when you took out the bath plug to drain the water. He told me that it was the bath monster growling cos he didn't like getting wet. He said that if I didn't get out of the bathroom as quick as I could, the bath monster would come out of the plughole and eat me. For years I was absolutely terrified of the bath monster and up until the age of about 13 whenever I had a bath I used to remove the plug and immediately race out of the bathroom fearing for my life.

You know, I don't think parents fully understand what effect their lies have on small children...

rosie, england
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I always made sure the plug was in the tub real good when I took a bath because I thought that a crab would come up and pinch me with its pinchers.

Jay Cohen
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top belief!

I saw a bottle of my mother's toilet water in the bathroom and, figuring that that was what it was for, I poured it down the toilet. She was not happy.

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When I was a young girl of about the age of 4-5, I was told by my grandparents that if you wore a bathing suit into the bath tub while washing, potatoes would grow out of your ears and clog them up so you couldn't hear.

I don't know where in this world they got that idea from, but it was a good white lie to keep me from "swimming" in the bath tub.

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For a couple of years when I was about 7, we had to live in the outback (I'm Australian) so my Dad could get work with the local mining company. We rented an old 'house' (more like a shed really), with little by way of indoor plumbing. We had two working taps and what is called a 'long drop' toilet. This basically consisted of an outdoors shed, with half an oil drum (with a toilet seat on it) on some loosly placed planks which rested on top of an abandoned Opal mine shaft. As a kid I was terrified of going to the toilet because (among other things) I believed the mine shaft was actually a portal to Hell and that if I 'went' at the wrong time, the devil would look up, see my butt and drag me down there with all the poo-demons. As I grew older, this developed into a more simple and realistic fear of the planks collapsing and me falling down the mine shaft-'O-Crap and drowning horribly. For years I only went to the toilet at school - and on weekends, I went to my friends houses to 'visit'. To this day whenever I use a modern toilet, in a moment of reflection, I quietly give thanks...

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It was long ago so I don't quite remember it. Someone told me once there are worms living in the tap. I haven't believe it and one day I've put my finger in the tap, it had stuck. When my grandma helpt me take it out I had a wound on it. For some time I believed there are finger-biting worms living in the tap.

Gerard (Poland) age14
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While visiting family in Italy at age 6, I asked my mom what the bowl next to the toilet was for. She told me it was a water fountain. When I proceeded to lean over to take a drink, she about tackled me. It wasn't until many years later that I discovered it was a bidet for washing your privates.

Frank Ponch
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when i was little i used to think that the giant from "jack in the beanstalk" lived in the celing fan in my bathroom and when i went to the bathroom i always had to keep looking at it to make sure he didn't come down and eat me!

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When I was little and I used to take baths, I would sit in the tub and watch the all water go down the drain before I got out. Toward the end, the water tends to make a "tornado". I believed that there was a tiny village in the drain and I was a villainous giant who was destroying their town with my tornado. I felt kind of bad about it, but what could I do?

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