i used to believe

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I was afraid that Jaws would come out of the drain, so I would hop away when I pulled the plug.

When I was really dirty and the bath water got dark, I thought that there were little sharks and eels in the bathtub... so I would avoid putting my hands down in the tub.

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My sister told me that jellyfish came out of the shower and sting you to death.

Nick (Alex's brother)
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My dad used to tease me and say that if you took the plug out of the bath tub while you were still in it, that you would get sucked in with the water.
I can't remember the number of times he had me in frantic tears trying to pull him outa the bath when he pulled the plug out in order to wind me up! Fun now maybe, but back then I thought he'd be sucked up and eaten!!! Very traumatising if you think of it!

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As a child, my mum used to give me a bath before bedtime, and I would try to stay in there as long as possible, even after mum had pulled the plug out and the water had started to drain away, all so that I could stay up that little bit later. Well, mum decided that to get me out of the bath quicker, it would be a good idea to tell me that once the plug had been pulled out of the bath, crocodiles would escape out of the plughole and eat me up if I was still in the bath! To this day, I cannot stay in a bath once the plug has been pulled out! (Not that I believe her anymore, but I think psychologically the fear of the plughole has stayed with me!!).

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When I was little I believed that when mommy pulled the plug in the bathtub after taking a bath I would be sucked in.

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As a child I lived in a cottage with a bath in the kitchen on the ground floor. One day a bee crawled up the plug hole from outside. My sister and I (we were 3 and 5 at the time) were bathed together and from then on neither of us would be last out of the bath as we believed the bees would get us when the plug was pulled.

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The sea was there because I left a tap dripping all night.

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When I was little I used to believe that when I took a bath and I was still in the tub when I pulled the drian I would be sucked down the drain and noone would ever be able to find me.

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I used to always get out of the bath before pulling th eplug as I used to believe that all of the spiders who had disappeared down there could come back up as the water went down.

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I used to believe that I would be sucked down the drain when my mother would unplug the bath to let the water out.

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when i was little i used to think that you would have to get out of the bath when your fingers went wrinkly or your entire body would go wrinkly to.

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I used to think Colgate's "Total" toothpaste would be different colours all in the one tube. An older ad for it showed them squeezing it out of the tube, and it was different colours each time. A few months later I stayed over at someone's house and they had the toothpaste. Much to my disappointment, it came out white, and only white, just like the boring toothpaste I had at home.

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After watching a skit about a drain monster on the old Nickelodeon show 'You Can't Do That On TV' I was scared to death to take a shower. I still took them but i made sure that i was as far away from the drain as possible so the 'drain monster' couldn't attack me. This belief haunted me until the age of 10! I was absolutely horrified!

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When I was 5 I used to believe that when I flushed the toilet the 'Flushie Monster' would get me so I never used to flush the loo if I could get away with it. My Mum used to tell me off so much that I had to flush, so I would make sure the toilet door was open so that I could run out before the @Flushie Monster' could get me. Even now I cannot go into the toilet nless the light is switched on and Im 33.

Billy Rooks
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How about that fish that blinked at you from the plug-hole when you were cleaning your teeth,and it would somehow jump out and bite you if you weren't careful!

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When I was a nipper, I used to believe that there was a
Drain Draggon who lived in my Bath. When the water went down
the overflow and made that gurggle noise, I used to think that it
was the drain monster drinking my bath water.

Susan Hynes
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top belief!

I used to believe that if i didn't check behind the shower curtain everytime i used the bathroom someone malevolent would be behind it and would get me at a very vulnerable moment...each time i'd stand at the threshold of the bathroom and psyche myself up to run in a grab the curtain to check...i still do it sometimes in stranger's bathrooms...

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when I was younger(about 3or 4), my mom read me the Chronicles of Narnia.
I used to think that if I didn't get out of the bathtub quick enough one of those evil centaur thingies
would pop out of the drain pipe

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When I was young, I was convinced that if I didn't get downstairs again before the toilet stopped flushing, something terrible would happen. It did a couple of times when I slipped and fell downstairs!

Bill Thompson
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top belief!

I used to think bidets were for washing your face in. Even did once or twice until a cousin with slightly less prudish parents enlightened me... Gak !!!

Sir Raymond Mang III
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