i used to believe

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When I was 3 or 4, my oldest sister's fiance came to visit for a weekend, and upon waking up one morning I found him washing his hair in the kitchen sink. I was horrified and I began freaking out and pleading with him not to wash his hair in the kitchen sink! I didn't want to tell anyone that the reason was that nobody was supposed to wash their hair anywhere but the bathtub - he was a grownup, and he was supposed to already know this stuff! I still get teased about that to this day.

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I used to believe that hairspray was made of grapes! =) Does't it smell grapey to you? XD

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i used to think that whatever you lost down the drain magically appeared in an ocean halfway around the world. my aunt lost her contact down the drain when i was about six, and i pictured some seagull finding it a few weeks later and trying to eat it.

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When emptying the bath, I had to be out of the bathroom before the whirlpool started making that slurping noise. I figured something would get me if I lingered, so I raced to dry myself and escape.

I could buy some time by splashing the water to break up the whirlpool temporarily.

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Conditioner is something that conditions your hair before shampoo is applied. Didn't discover the err of my ways until 16.

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I used to believe that the water closet was an actual closet. Out in the hallway of our house their was a little door that showed pipes and stuff which was exactly aligned with the bath tub.

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As a very young child, I was traumatized by Mister Rogers. It had never occurred to me that one could be sucked down the bathtub drain, so I didn't have that fear until I heard him sing the song about how it's impossible.

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I used to believe that the drain in the tub would swallow me up with the water - as such, I always leapt out just before the water ran out, sometimes streaming water all over a surprised parent who had no idea why I was jumping out like a frightened frog!

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At a friend's party when i was really young, his father played us some humpback whale songs - very creepy to a youngster! I said some emboldening thing like "ah, who's afraid of a whale!" the father said, "I am. they can come through the tap into your bathtub!" How I cried!

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I used to believe that the words "Tear Free!" on the Johnson's Baby Shampoo bottle meant I was free to tear off its label.

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that bathroom tap water was recycled "potty" water from the toliet.

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When I was small I was afraid of bath tubs that didn't have a screen on the drain hole. In the back of my mind I was afraid that I would get a toe stuck or something scary would come out and get me.

David from Long Beach
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I used to believe that the water overflow in the bath had some connection to some kind of water police. If enough water went down, the water police would be contacted and an emergency water van sent to your house. I was terrified of splashing any water down it as it might result in the water police surprising me whilst I took my bath.

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When I was young my older sister told me that if I took a shower the fireman from the brave little toaster would come out and kill me. I took baths for a long time

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I used to think it was possible to be flushed down the bathtub drain.

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In the shower, when the water dripped down the drain, the light caught it in such a way that it looked like eyes glowing back at me. For years, I thought there was a frog living in the pipes beneath the shower.

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when I was younger, whenever my mother was cleaning the bathroom, to keep us out she'd tell us that the bleach she used would burn our skin like acid. I believed this for 4 years; bleach still scares me a bit!

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I saw the movie "Jaws" when I was less than 8 years old. I used to believe that the chipped enamel in the bathtub (which looked like a goldfish) might turn into a shark and eat me. As a consequence, whenever I bathed I would cover the chip with a drinking glass so that I could "cage" the shark. Crazy imagination!

Mayja E
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i used to believe that if i stayed in the bath too long after the soap had made the water all cloudy, that jaws the man-eating shark could launch suddenly through the plughole [i'd seen the clip of him lunging out of the pool at the visitors' bus on the universal studios tour] and bite my legs off before i could even react. but i couldn't take showers because i believed that while the translucent shower curtain was blocking my view, a madman would come up and stab me with a carving knife through the curtain like in psycho. oh and i also was scared of the Deep End at swimming pools, because they always had these huge grilles underwater and i just knew jaws was kept behind them too like in james bond. basically i believed anything i saw on tv at night. i even believed "terry and june" was hilariously funny, because i could hear all the other people watching it laughing so loud.

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My mum used to tell me that you couldn't drink water out of the tap from the bathroom as it was poisonous.

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