i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was about 4 we had a bathtub w/ feet. I would never ever go into that bathroom b/c I didn't want the tub to have any opportunity to chase me around.

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You know, when you're little, you believe in monsters under thhe bed and all that. Not me. I believed that there was a ghost that looked exactly like Homer Simpson in my bathroom. I was always in and out really quickly, so it didn't 'get me'.

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When I was young I believed there was a zombie in my bathroom and when I heard the taps dripping at night I thought zombie was eating someone.

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i used to think that when i was in the bath if i made too much noise a shark would eat me and and once i heard a bang underneath the bathtub and i jumped out completly naked and ran into the street thinking the shark was trying to get through (i was 4 and i never told my mum until that incident) and my mother father and sister almost peed themselves laughing at me standing in the front garden soaking wet and covered in shampoo i wasn't finding it funny telling them to hurry up before the shark ate them ... they just laughed harder i now see the funny side lol i was a strange child

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when i was little i was afraid of the toilet because i thought Pennywise lived down there....I still am uncomfortable around the toilets

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When I was little I used to believe that after I had a bath and pulled the plug, there was a monster in the the drain and it would suck me into the drain. I was about 5 at the time.

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My best friend and I used to believe that there was a little green man who lived inside the toilet and would eat your poop! My fear of him was so great that I would sit backwards on the toilet so I could watch and make sure he wasn't there. I stopped that when I was maybe 10. I still retain a fear of the loud flushing sound a toilet makes- I make sure flushing is the last thing I do before I leave the bathroom... though I don't generally admit it.

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everytime i walked in the bathroom when i was little i used to think a monster was hiding behind the shower curtain thats why i used to be scared to take a shower!

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top belief!

i used to believe that when you sat in the bath to long and got pruny
that the water made you old

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I used to believe that every time I use the bath room at school, the teacher puts on the tv and there's a camera in the bathroom because every time I can back from the bathroom everyone stared at me! That was a few years back though :D

Steffani Anne
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when i was younger i used to think that when you flushed the toilet, if you wern't downstairs or in bed or doing whatever you were doing before using it before the sound of the flushing stopped, the sound would drag you back to the toilet in slow motion and you'd get sucked into the sewers with everyone else that hadn't been fast enough.

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I used to believe that my bathroom housed monsters so I never went to the restroom after my mom fell asleep (resulting in a bad wetting the bed problem) and the few times I would go in there by myself i would bring a pan and threaten them with it. To this day I am still afraid of the bathroom!

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i used to believe that if you went in the bathroom for more then 5 minutes you
will be eatin my the toilet even if you are takeing a bath i
would only go in there for like 16 seconds and wash my hair
and everything it was hard i believe it till i was like 12 years old.

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When I was about 9 years old I used to be afraid of the shower if I wasn't in it. I used to think that a dead person would be in there if te curtain wasn't open..
I used to be scared of the noise from the toilet. I would use the toilet, wash my hands, flush...then run!! LOL

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top belief!

when i was little i used to that a singing monster was hiding in my shower so every time i went to the restroom i would sing to scare him away

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When I was 6, I was terrified of flushing the toilet at night.
When I had to pee at night, I would leave the door wide open after I was finished with my business and dashed out the door the second I would flush and hide under the covers till it was over.
I really don't know why.

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I used to believe that the gurggling noise the bath drain makes after u pull out the plug was a monster trying to suck you in so i always made sure i was out of the bath before pulling the plug and blocked my ears or ran out of the bathroom

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i believed that when you finished taking a shower and you opened the shower curtain a velociraptor would be right there to eat you.

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I used to believe that 'Give Way' signs on the road meant that you were near somewhere to buy presents to 'Give' a'Way' to people.
I alsothought a witch lived in the sewers and when I flushed the toilet she would come running out of the bathroom after me!! I used to run like the clappers!!

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I used to believe that every time i stepped out of my toilet, ( FYI-as soon as you step out, there is a door on the ceiling leading to the attic) a big monster was going to drop something on me and flatten me on purpose (sp?) to teach his son what to do when he got older. so, when i flushed the chain, i would run out of there!
i always imagined that the monster had juusstt missed me and i would shout HAHA! you lose again! to him.
True Story.
As you can see i had a vivid imagination.

Rennie-woo (monster-and-his-son-beater)
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