i used to believe

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I believed that underneath my bathtub was a huge cavernous world of water inhabited by small gnomes in row boats.

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I thought that bullets might shoot out of the shower head when first starting the shower. Being in the shower when it was turned on was a bit like playing Russian Roulette.

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I used to believe that under the whirlpool that the drain would create in the bath, there was an eerie world of pigmy people who dressed in suits and played accordian music. The place was adorned with crystal chandeliers, red shag carpeting and flowing red drapes everywhere.... Very odd.

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When I was little, my Mum told me that when the Queen went to the toilet, a lttle brush came up and scrubbed her bum when she had finished.

However, my Mum also convinced me that she and Elvis were very good friends. After no reply to my many letters to The King, I began to doubt this..

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When I was a kid, I used to think toothpaste was made from teeth. It made sense - where else would you get all the minerals and other stuff teeth needed? Besides, fish paste was made from fish, and meat paste was made from meat...

Andy A.
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I used to think that recycled toilet paper was literally that, i.e someone else had used the toilet paper it had been cleaned and passed onto another person.

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I used to think bidets were for washing your face in. Even did once or twice until a cousin with slightly less prudish parents enlightened me... Gak !!!

Sir Raymond Mang III
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When I was 4 and sitting in a hot tub, I thought my mom was cooking me for dinner. (I guess I watched one too many Bugs Bunny cartoons)

Terrible Turtle
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For the first 18 years of my life, I thought it was odd that the one thing it was illegal for me to sell or trade was my bathroom weigh scale. What kind of controlled device was it that it couldn't be sold to someone else or traded for something else?

And yet, every one I've ever seen had that label clearly displayed: "Not for Sale or Trade".

It wasn't until I mentioned it out loud that a friend pointed out (amid laughter) that the scale could not be used to *weigh* things for the purpose of pricing them.

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My brother made me believe for years that our bathroom was a space ship. We used to close the door and we traveled all arround the universe, he even scared me some times saying that he had problems to come back home...until one day when my mom suddendly opened the door and i saw the floor outside instead of Mars....

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I used to think that I could have a swim in our bathroom if I shut the door tight enough and if I seal up the holes in it.

Lois July Snow
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I saw a bottle of my mother's toilet water in the bathroom and, figuring that that was what it was for, I poured it down the toilet. She was not happy.

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I used to believe that a little gnome on a bike heated the water in our house. The hotter I turned the faucet, the harder he had to peddle. When I was in a good mood, I would take a cold shower to give the little guy a break, but when I was pissed, I would literally burn myself just to make him work his butt off.

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I used to believe that one day when I would be taking a shower that my bathroom would, when I wasnt looking, detatch itself from my house and fly away with me in it still. I had to leave the door open while I showered and check every 5 minutes or so to make sure it was still attached to the house

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When i was 6, I thought everyone took a bath with a bathing suit on, and I was the only weird one who bathed naked. I remember fighting with my mom before a bath, trying to convince her that I should be wearing my bathing suit. Needless to say, she let me wear my favorite lime green bikini that one time.

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I used to beleave that the plastic cap and the yellow bag hanging in the shower were toys. I had many hours playing wth theese tings. Later I learned they were a shower cap and a douche bag.

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I used to believe that that the bag hanging in the shower was to pee in.
So I peed in the bag hanging in the shower all the time. I found out later that this bag was a folding enema bag.

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I used to think that only girls could take baths, and only boys could take showers, because I only ever saw my mother in the bathtub and my dad only took showers. I got really freaked out one day when my sister said she was going to take a shower; I thought she was breaking the law.

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My mother told my sister she would get sucked down the drain if she stayed in the bath when she pulled the plug. My sister decided to conduct an experiment. Placed me (at 7 months) in the bath tub and pulled. She was really angry with my mom for lying to her. I still have issues with pool drains.

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I used to think that Luke-Warm water had somthing to do with Luke Skywalker

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