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You can get sucked down the plughole

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: You can get sucked down the plughole.
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I used to beleieve I was small enough to be caught up by bathtub drain and I used to run away when the drain was open.

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When I was younger I asked my dad where the stuff in the toilet went after you flushed it, and he told me the sewer plant. But I thought of a giant venous fly trap and for the longest time I was terrified it would come up out of the toilet and grab me.

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When I was little I thought the gurgling noise that sounds when almost all the water has emptied out of a bath was a monster and i used to run and hide under my bedcovers whenever I heard it!

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When I was little I used to believe that when I was in the bathtub and the water was draing that I could get sucked down the drain and that would be the end of life as I knew it! So as soon as the water started to drain, I would feel this sense of fear and panick come over my body and I would hop out really fast and thank my lucky stars I survived another bath!

Amanda Crosier
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I used to love taking baths as a child, and it would always take forever for my parents to get me out. Therefore, my dad made up a lie that once he began draining the water out of the tub, I would eventually be sucked in with it if I remained in the tub. He told me it had happened to my brother once before, and he ended up coming out of the sewer in our street. I cried after hearing this and for years after, I would get out of the bath and then drain it- I wasn't taking any risks.

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When I was little I used to think the bath tub would suck down my wash cloth when my mom went to drain the water. She never did figure out why I screamed every time she pulled the plug.

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I used to believe the bathtub drain could eat people and my toys. I would take all the toys out of the bath, dry off and then reach in and pull the drain and run as fast as I could. All because I walked in on the part of Psycho when the blood is running down the drain.

Aubrey Morgan
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i used to think when i was little you took a bath you would get sucked down the drain.i dont now but i was petrified back then

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I used to always get out of the bathtub before draining it because I always thought I'd get sucked in with the water

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I used to be totally convinced if I was in the bath tub when the plug was pulled something would reach out of the drain and pull me in. I would get out, dry off and get my parents to pull the plug while I hid behind the door. I convinced my little sister of this one too.

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when i was a little girl, i used to believe if i got close to the drain in the bathtub, i would fall in as the water drained

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I used to think that if you take the plug out of the bath it will suck you into the bath

awesome kid
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i thought that when you were in the bath you would get sucked down the drain

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I used to believe that the sink hole down my bathtub inhabitited the good witch, whereas my best friend's bathtub's drain inhabitited the wicked witch. I slept over at my best friends house once, i had a bath and sat right up the other end to the drain hole. Once the water went down the drain, i was so scared that the wicked witch was going to suck me down with the water i cried.

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I used to believe that if i still sat in the bathtub when my mother pulled the stopper out i could flow down like the water. it was a big fear for me!:D

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When i was younger i used to believe that if you were still standing in the bath when you took out the plug that you would get sucked down the plug hole with the water. I still make sure that im out of the bath before i take out the plug.

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When I was aged probably three to six, i used to think that the noise when you take the plug out of the bath (that wooshing, shrieking sound as the water goes down) was the noise of ghosts and skeletons coming up the pipes to get me - I guess it let the water out, and let the ghosts in. I was terrified when my mum or dad would leave me alone in the bath and say "when you're done, just pull the plug out." I would get out of the water, kneel on the edge of the tub, yank the plug out as fast as I could and then sprint naked and screaming into my bedroom and hide until I heard all the water had gone down and the scary noise had stopped, so I could go back and get a towel.

I still really don't like that sucking, shrieking, wooshing noise when I take the plug out of the bath and try to get out of the bathroom before it ends!

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I used to think that when your in the bathtub the drain sucks you up and so I would of backed up when the water was draining

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I used to believe that you could get sucked down the drain while you were taking a bath,and I used to cry when my big sister would put her fingers near the drain and pretend to want to fall through.

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When I was younger I had this dream that I me my sister and cousin were in a bathtub and one by one they got sucked into the drain.After that I always got out of the bathtub before i drained the water and i always but a rag over the drain while i was bathing...although now i know that wont happen i still go through the same routine.

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