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biting my nails

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Biting your fingernails leaves sharp little knives inside, that will tear up your colon on the way out, you know. So I was led to believe.

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I used to bite/sometimes swallow my fingernails. I pictured this rounded, pink fleshy walled room with a giant pile of nails in it. Above the pile was a single lightbulb hanging from a chord.

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My Mom used to tell us that if you bit your fingernails, they would cut a hole in your stomach.

Linda B
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Fingernails... My Dad told me that he knew a man that when he died they took a whole cup of fingernails out of his stomach.....needless to say I stopped bitting my fingernails. The days of always believing my Dads stories are far behind me.

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When I was really really little I bit my nails and swallowed 'em. One day in first grade my teacher noticed and started yelling things like "SARA SWALLOWING YOUR NAILS WILL GIVE YOU A TUMOR. STOP THAT." And for the longest time I thought the nails would stick to my stomache lining. Just like gum (which, my sixth grade teacher told us the whole truth...).

Also my brother told me that if I continued to bite my nails the evil demons of Satan would devour my soul and stuff. He's five years older so I guess he was about nine. I'm twelve and he's eighteen and nobody's eaten my soul yet.

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my parents told me that when you bit your nails the would cut your insides and die

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When I was in first grade I used to bite my nails (I don't anymore)...My mom's EX Boyfriend told me that if I bit my nails and swallowed the nail it would grow in my stomache and I would explode (of course he said the same things about watermelon seeds), but I still believed him.....maybe that's why I don't bite my nails anymore?

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My dad when I was younger told me if I keep biting my nails a big wad might come up and I would choke and die.

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When I was little and bit my fingernails, my mother told me that they would collect down in my appendix and cause it to burst.

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six years ago (when I was a seventh grader). One of my friends bit her nails like CRAZY. She bit them until they bled, she did it non-stop, she even did it while talking. It was awful. So my two other friends devised a plan. We went up to her and told her that there was (some sort od mineral we made up) Deolxiumnotrate in nails. Which caused cancer. She totally bleived us! We even made up fake symptoms like it caused sneezing, puffy eyes, and dry mouth, whenevr she had these "symptoms" she would freak out! She left our school in junior year, and even then she still believed it. To this day i think she still belive that nails-biting causes cancer. (hey! At least we cured her!)

Fiona, destroyer of bad habits...
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I used to bite my nails and swallow them and every time I got a sore throat I thought it was all my nail bits that have built up in my throat.

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As a former nail-biter,a childhood friend told me that if I kept biting them,they would stick to the lining of my stomache and I'd need surgery. She swore that her uncle had this happen to him. (What finally mde me quit though was wearing nail polish!)

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when i was little my sister told me that when i bite my nails it would cut through my skin and i would die!

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My babysitter used to tell me that if I bit my nails, hands would start growing in my stomach. I had nightmares for ages.

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When I was little, a friend told me that every bitten nail would turn into a diamond during digestion. Well, that same day (in fact during the following days) I... well... after long, stinky, exhaustive examinations of my by-products I had it up to with eating my nails!!

Pops research
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My mother used to tell me to stop chewing on my hair or else it would take root and start to grow between my teeth.

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i was told that if i kept biting my nails i would grow hairs on my tongue i was 10 yrs old by the way

charlotte anderson
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I have bit my nails ever since I was 6. A year after I started, my Grandpa told me that if I kept biting my nails, then they would form inside my stomach and tear it. I stopped for a year or so, but then I started again and I still do. It's not true, but I wish I beleived him though.

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When I was young, my teacher once told me that if I bit my nails and swallowed the bits I'd bitten off that they would go into my liver and cut it to shreds. I believed this for quite a few years!

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I used to believe that if you bit your fingernails and swallowed them that they would poke holes in your stomach and you would die. Thanks for this belief to those Catholic school nuns!

Ann Y.
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