i used to believe

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My neighbor's four year old was "playing school" he had all his pretend school supplies. things he thought he'd need during the school day with him.... books, pencils, lunch, cigarettes......

I'll bet he was surprised the first day of school!

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I used to think my neighbours parents were psycic and could read minds.
everytime I entered their house the mother would be in another room and without having seen me she would say "ah there's [my name] "

later i figured it out. both my parents smoked a pack a day. I reeked

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I used to use an old trailer at my grandparents' house as a playhouse. Once my aunt came over to 'visit' and, playing hostess, I brought her an ashtray. "Oh, I don't smoke" she said. "You don't?" I asked, incredulous. I was about 3 or 4 and because my parents and many of my relatives smoked, I thought all adults smoked!

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I don't know why, but I used to believe that if you smoked and drank at the same time, you would self-ignite and blow up!I believed that until I was well into my teens!

Yvonne A.
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when I was little I used to watch people smoking cigarettes and I actually thought that the cigarette got smaller cause the person ate them..

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When I was around 9 years old I used to believe that if you were under 16 which meant you couldnt smoke, the cigerette would know, and if you were under-age would explode. I thought this is what killed so many people. No-one mentioned cancer to me.

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When my brother and I were little, my Uncle quite smoking and told us that he did it cold turkey. My brother asked me later why cold turkey helped him quit and wondered how much he had to eat!

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When I was a kid, I used to believe that smoking "hurt" - that it burned your lips and lungs because you were breathing in really really hot air. This was after the first time I saw someone smoking - my eyes went really wide because I saw the person inhale, and saw the end of the cigarette burn bright red. I pointed and asked "Doesn't that hurt?" before being shushed by my mom.

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When I was younger I caught my mom and dad making their own "cigarettes" and for years I believed them. Until I was old enough to be a party where weed was present. Once a smelled the weed I remembered that it smelled like my mom and dad's homemade "cigarettes". I then realized I had caught my mom and dad smoking pot!

Renee - St. Louis
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When I first saw my Grandmother smoking I thought that in some way she was a dragon because she was exhaling smoke. When she told me what smoking was (and that I shouldn't do it), I still failed to grasp the idea that the smoke came from the cigarette she was holding. I spent the next 6 to 8 months wanting to be a smoker because i thought dragons were cool. Hey, what 3 year old with a wild imagination wouldn't want to be a dragon?

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When I graduated from preschool, we had to stand up at a podem, say our names and tell somthing about our family. Well i stood up there and declared, "My name is Heather and my mom is divorced and she smokes pot!" took a bow and left the stage. Well everyone was shocked. My mom never smoked pot, only ciggerets. I saw a anti- drug comercial where they showed a joint on tv, and i assumed thats what my mom smoked. My grandmother was there and all the parents of the school children. The day care workers told my mom that she shouldnt smoke pot in front of me. hahahhahah

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When I was a kid about 7 or 8 I noticed an odd odor and saw that my mom and my aunt were smoking.."a different" kind of cigarettes. My mom told me that they were "cigarettes without filters". Not knowing at the time that they were actually smoking marijuana, the next time I was at the store with her and she was buying some Parliament 100's, I asked if she could get the "cigarettes without filters" since they smelled really good.

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Until my Junior year of High School I thought a roach was bug - six legs, never dies kinda bug. I could never understand why anyone ever smoked one or was excited to find one in their house.

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I used to think, all the way up to eight grade that if you smoked cigarettes you were an alcoholic

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I use to believe that people said dont second hand smoke i thought it ment you smoke with 1 cigar in each hand or when you had 2 cigars in one hand.I belived this till i was 12.

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i used to think that ciggerattes were those skinny little pretzals so when me and my mom were in the grocery store, i would always ask for a pack of ciggerattes.I got ssooooo many stares

who wants a pretzal?
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When I was 7, I thought if you started smoking and didn't stop, you would instantly get cancer and die. So when I saw my sister start smoking, I screamed and ran to my room and started crying.

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My mom had convinced me that smoking and drinking are the worst thing in the whole world. So, when i was about 10, i overheard my sister talking to a friend and describing how she got drunk the previous Saturday (she was 17 then). I didnīt say anything but i totally freaked out. One week later, i found cigarettes on her closet. I couldnt help myself: i went straight to mum and told her my sister is becoming a tramp and soon she would die.

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I believed until quite recently that chain smokers all got together in a group and smoked eachothers cigarettes, then passed them on in the circle.

A naive teenager
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I thought that smoking pot involved an actual pot from the kitchen.

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