i used to believe

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When I was little, I believed that there were elves living in my stomach that would make piles of all the food I had ever eaten. There were piles of cookies, roast beef, peas, carrots, etc...

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i used to think that when you ate food it would go in your stomach and when you ate the rest it would fit back together just like a puzzle and then it would come out in that shape. i found out i was very wrong when i expected to find curly crap when i ate a cinnamon roll.

big blonde
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a few years ago, because im only 12 i used to belive that when i ate heaps and my stomach got big, i used to burst into tears and think that I was pregnant

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I used to believe that when I ate somthing, it would go down in to my stomach and by sorted out for the people in my stomach to eat.

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I used to believe that each kind of food had its own compartment in your stomach. In other words, meat went to one compartment, vegetables to another, etc.

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when my brother was really little, he somehow learned that cows had more than one stomache, so he naturally assumed that he did too. one night at dinner he informed my mother that he couldn't ea the rest of his dinner cuz he was full. at desert my mother brought this up, and he replied with 'my dinner stomache was full, but my dessert stomach is still emty! he said this like it was the most obvious thing in the world!

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i use to believe that when we ate all the food just went to our feet and we would fill up with food and when we threw up that was the way we got rid of it... never occured to me why i was always going to the loo....

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I used to belive that every time you ate, all that food would go straight to your feet until it reached up tp my neck and then we throw it up. And when ever i ate i looked at my foot, just to see if they got fatter. I believed this until i was 10. . . . 10! I then realized that the food goes to my stomach. I was so a creepi kid then. . . . . .

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I used to believe that the mouse in the dungeon of Eureka's Castle-- and this completly reveals my ages, lived in my stomach and would grind up my food. I really don't know why, but that's what I always thought.

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if you eat toothpaste straight from the tube, you will get worms

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I used to eat a lots of spinach when I was kid in the hope of becoming stronger because I thought all iron from spinach would go into my muscles, and that was what transformed them into tough muscles...
I no longer think this. But I keep eating spinach however it's not this that is going to help me to get a model body !!

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When I first heard the expression "going right to your thighs", I thought that meant that instead of cellulite, there'd be chewed-up food that didn't even go into your stomach or intestines stuffed between your skin and your muscles. Even to this day, I'm still grossed out by the expression.

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When i was a child like in kinder garden i used to believe the girls didn't eat like never and i know is very weird but when i was in the break of my school all the boys buy food or eat something but the girls didnĀ“t do that they always play with their toys or play with other girls.
And other thing i used to believe is every country of the world has the same time like in Ecuador we were in the morning so Spain too or United States too.

Daniel Yepez
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I used to think that you could make wine of any
Colour, like blues or purples, because grapes come
In so many different colours besides the usual red.

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When I was young ,I used to believe that if you ate a lot of soup you would grow faster .
thx mom

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As a child I believed that the human body was one hollow canal and so whenever I ate anything, I tried to do so while standing in order to give the food free passage to my feet and I'd watch dilligently for the time when I'd be filled up to my neck so I could stop eating.

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I use to believe that all the food you ate went to your feet.

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I used to believe that you had a dinosaur in your belly and when it rumbled it was your dinosaur growling because it was hungry so you had to eat something to feed it lol.

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i once beleived that if i did not eat any food, god would punish me

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when i was little, i thought that my throat was a bucket and that everytime i swallowed, the bucket would come up, fill with water, and the dump into a tube that went into my stomach...

i was a special child...

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