i used to believe

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I used to believe that your stomach had four compartments. Two for solid food and main meals and such. One for drinks. And one for dessert. This is how I figured I could always eat so much and still have room for dessert. Surprisingly enough my stuffed horse told me that it isn't true. I have to go now. I have a phsychiathrist appointment.

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I believed I had some workers in my stomache who were working and cutting all the food I ate. And when I had a stomach-ache, my dad was telling me that these workers want to work and that they are getting bored so I have to help them and to take something to eat.

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when my cousin was about six we went out to dinner. a discussion came up about going out for ice cream afterwards. she had been making a big deal about how full she was so she wouldn't have to eat. when she heard that we might get ice cream, she proceeded to announce "well mommy, my dinner side is full, but my dessert side isn't"

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I always used to think that there was a man inside your stomach and he would cry when you were hungry and sort out your food, I also thought that another man (that looked the same) turned the fridge light off when you closed it!

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When I was little I used to believe that when you ate food, it all built up inside. I didn't know about organs so I just thought it all kept piling up. I remember sometimes I would try to think about what level I thought the food was at. I guess I never thought about what happened when you were all filled up!

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I had to eat to feed the creature inside my belly. If I didn't eat enough or went too long without getting food then he would get mad and start growling and punching my insides. The only way to make him happy was to eat until I felt stuffed.

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when I was a little girl I was always told that if you eat standing up the food would go to your feet and you'd be a skinny child. my family always said that. I think alot of people in Puerto Rico say that.

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I used to believe that a diet was a little wooden mat that moved under the floor wherever you walked. My mom always said she was on a diet, but I could never see it, and figured that was what it must be--because she never looked any different.

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When I was 8 or so i believed we had two stomachs, one for food and one for fluids. I just couldn't figure out how the body knew which was which. So, when someone choked and said it went down the wrong tube, I thought they meant the food went down the fluid tube.

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I used to believe I had a two-headed, purple dragon in my tummy that would growl when it got hungry.

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I used to belive that when I ate, all the food went into the stomach and stayed there. I thought that it was evil to eat food, I thought that the food, like potatoes, had they're own personallities, could talk and stuff like that. So when I ate another potato, I thought that the other potatoes would have a new friend to play with.xD

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I used to believe that when you ate food, it would go onto a really long conveyor belt and there would be these little people (like the worker guys in Fraggle Rock) that would have little hammers and would pound the food into tiny pieces as it would go along the conveyor belt.

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I believed that your stomach must be empty before you go to sleep.

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My mum's babysitting charge used to believe that he had two tanks in his stomach - a dinner tank, and a pudding tank!

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When I was five, I was very picky with my food and only ate pasta and bread. Well, my mom told me that I would have to have a taste-bud transplant. I was hysterical. A few years later she told me and I felt pretty stupid.

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When I was younger, I beleived that when you ate, your food didn't really go anywhere in general..It just kinda, filled spots in your body. So whenever we'd go out to eat, my mom would ask me, "Are you full yet?" and i would check my arms and legs and say "Nope, i think i still have some room left here on my arm (or leg or chest. whatever.)."

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I used to believe that God lived inside you, like there was a real person inside of you,and that he ate the food that you had already eaten

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I used to believe that if I eat blueberries,strawberries or any berries I would turn the color of the berry. I geuss it is my fault for watching Willy
Wanka And The CholchletFactory, so much.

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I used to believe that there were little workers inside of my stomach that would separate the food into different compartments as it came down from my mouth/throat. Otherwise, how would it know where to go?

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I used to think that tasty meant crunchy so if something was crunch I would ewwww this is really tasty.

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