i used to believe

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I used to believe that your body filled up with food when you ate, from your feet up to your head. When you were all full you had to throw up.

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My grandpa said that if I ate watermelon seeds that a watermelon would grow in my tummy; everytime I accidentally I was SO scared that one would grow and it just wouldn't fit down there. Haha.

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I used to believe that women get pregnant because they eat a lot of meat

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When I was little, I used to believe than my ribs were minced beef that got reconstitued in my body after having eaten it, that's why every times I ate minced beef I touched my ribs to see if they were reconstitued because there were lines llike on mince meat.
Until the day, I learnt in class It was just bones, I felt so silly!

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my mom used to tell us that if we went to bed hungry the devil would pull our legs. So we always made sure we ate something.

garcia b
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When I was little I believed that when your stomach growled it was the sides of your stomach rubbing together because there wasn't anything in there to grind. Makes sense!!

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I used to believe that If u ate while upside down then you would poop it out your mouth!

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i believed that if i ate it would fill me up from my toes upwards and when i got full, my mum would have to tip me upside down and shake me!

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i used to believe that when i ate upside-down, the food went to my head.

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I was once told that if i swallowed the pips from the grapes, then a grape tree would start growing inside me. So i imagined a fully grown tree coming out of my mouth ! I tried not to swallow any pips after that.

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when i was around 5-7 years old, i used to believe that if i eat too much my stomach would explode.

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i used to belive that once you had eaten somthing that it wold shrink to a really small mini version of that food and be stacked up in your tummy reaching all the way up to your mouth until you was sick,

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I used to think that if I drank a lot of water the frogs would hatch in my stomac

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When I was little, I used to think that you didn't really digest food. You just had a certain amount of room in your stomach, and if you filled it up, it would come out of your mouth.

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I used to believe that if I ate candies in the morning my stomach was going to explode

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I used to believe that when you ate a food, it would go through you and then there were 2 witches in your stomach that would mix up all your food that you ate and there would be a back door to where it would 'empty out'.

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i used to believe that you had one tube for your dinner to go down and one for your afters

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When i was little i believed that when you ate something it went into a pit in your stomach and that old people died of the food in their tummies overflowing into their throats.

kids these days (im 15 now)

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I used to believe that there was a city in my stomach. and that there were little people living in there...when ever I drank water, that was their rain...when ever I had rice...that was the snow.
But I was always weary of not swallowing any seeds from fruit...because those were asteroids.

Rossy G.
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I used to think that there was a counter (like the odometer in a car) in my brain that counted the number of time I chewed my food before swallowing.

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