i used to believe

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I used to belive that after I ate a meal, the food whirled round inside my chest, like clothes in a clothes dryer.

Bruce White
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I used to believe each food had a container inside my stomach. Peas went to their home, meat went to its home. Since I was a fingernail biter, the occasionally swallowed fingernail had a container also.

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up until i was 6 years old, i thought that when you ate food, it just fell into your body and floated in blood, which just sat there along with your bones!

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When I was 8, I was told that teenage boys have hollow legs, and that's why they could eat so much! I believed that until I was 12 when I asked my health teacher in school.

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When I was a little kid, I used to believe that food and drink would go down different tubes in your digestive system. The tubes separated somewhere between your neck and your stomach, and somehow food and drink knew which tube to go down. The food tube ended at your butt, and the drink tube ended at your penis.

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When I was little I used to think that if you ate chicken bones, new bones would incorporate themselves into your body.

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you know how when you choke on your food people say it went down the wrong drain er whatever? well i used to believe that in my throat were two slides and there were little soldiers guarding each one and they told the food which one to go down. So when i choked they were slacking off. I can still see this image perfectly in my mind.

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When i was younger, i used to think that you had to eat tooth paste, not spit it out after, as i thought the tooth paste got digested and the nutrients went to your teeth.

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When I was young (around age 7) my Grandmother used have really great sayings. There's one in particular that I remember with fondness she used to say whenever someone was coughing from having some food or drink that went down the wrong way. She'd say something like "Oops, that went down your Monday pipe, and here it is Friday". This quaint little turn of phrase led me to conclude that I had 7 different pipes that lead to my stomach!

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When i was a kid.. i used to think that i had little fridges in my stomach each that could hold 1 type of food.. and when that fridge was full you couldnt eat any more of that type but you can eat anything else ..
for example if we were having french fries and beans n i couldnt have anymore beans id tell my mom i couldnt eat any more, but when i still ate the fries shed ask why and id tell her my beans fridge is full, but my fries fridge can still hold more.

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I used to believe their were people in my tummy that yelled at me to eat that was the growling sound me mom told me this to get me to eat they are called " tummy guys"

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My mum would always talk about the dangers of eating raw meat for fear of tapeworms, and said that if you had one, you needed to put a bowl of soup up to your mouth and the tapeworm would come out. I believed this for quite some time, until I learnt that tapeworms live in your intestines, not your stomach :P

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I believe there were little creatures inside of my stomach taking food I ate to my feet. In little cars going down to my feet and that was digestion. I used to be afraid to eat too much because I didn’t want my feet to explode

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When I was little I fed my little brother bubbles because I thought they would make him float. Of course I never ate the bubbles. They tasted bad.

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I used to think having an eating disorder meant canceling your food order in a restaurant, before knowing about anorexia and bulimia.

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I used to believe that if I ate all my dinner the pattern on the dinner plate would change.

Then I found out that my mum told me this to make me eat all my tea!

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I used to believe that if you ate too much food it would pile up in to your stomach and hit the top of your throat, that meant you were full....so when my aunt said she was full I ask her if I could look into her mouth...she let me and I stuck my hand down her throat.... she started gaging and it took 3 people to get me off of her.... afterwards I was explained the digestive system..... don't judge me...

The Fidot
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For so many years, I believed that when your stomach grumbled it was your stomach digesting itself...this courtesy of my dear old dad. I must have been a teenager when I finally figured out that the noise isn't digestion!

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When I was little my mom always said that you are what you eat. So, I was afraid that of I ate something, I would turn into that!

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I used to believe that my stomach had a tiny mouth inside of it that would help chew up my food. So some days I would swallow food whole and hope that the tiny mouth in my stomach enjoyed eating as much as I did.

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