i used to believe

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I used to believe that when my foot fell asleep there were ants crawling up and down under my skin. I still call it "ants" whenever anything on me falls asleep.

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When I was about 6, when I got thirsty, I would swallow the saliva in my mouth because I thought it was water and that it was enough to hydrate me

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When I was seven, I used to believe that when a people said they "didn't drink" that they did not consume any liquids. I was pretty much perplexed, but figured it might be possible to get enough water from vegetables, fruits and other food products.

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I used to believe that when I blinked I would miss something important so I would try my hardest to never blink, because I didn't want to miss anything.
This stopped after my mother asked me what I was doing and she told me the truth.

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When I was younger when I would point at someone I would point with my hand under my eye. My dad could never figure why I pointed like that, he realized from my perspective that it looked like people were pointing with their hand under their eye.

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For a long time (from when I was about 3 to when I was 7) I thought that whenever my sister or brother grew a lot, and my parents mentioned it, that they had a 'gross purt', or a grosspurt. I really never could find out why anyone wanted to have a gross purt, but my siblings seemed to think that it was cool whenever they had a grosspurt, so eventually I accepted that they were okay. (I also never knew what a growth spurt was when I read it in a book...I started reading really early)
I didn't differentiate the two terms for a long time. Finally, one day, I realized that it really was a growth spurt. It's a lot less interesting, but it make a whole lot more sense.

I haven't had a grosspurt in a long while.
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We used to think that if you ran swinging your arms around, you would run faster.

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My daughter told me that she believed that she had to have been deaf and blind before age 5 since she could not remember anything before then.

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I was told that beer caused beards to grow and believed it up through my teenage years.

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For some reason, I used to believe that you only sneezed out of your nose and not your mouth. So it didn't help that I didn't cover up my mouth properly when sneezing.

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I have always been a little spacey and it is often hard for others to get my attention when I am focusing on something. When I was younger I was told by my mother that I had "selective hearing" and I believed for many years that this was the name of a hearing disorder. I would earnestly explain to people if they had trouble getting my attention that it was due to my "selective hearing problem."

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My 3 year old son convinced and 8 year old boy that his arm had been cut off and grew back....

Karen F
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a friend of my mum's used to believe that you shouldn't wear underwear in bed because your bum needed to breathe.Her mum told her this.

dont believe it
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I used to believe that when my stomach growled, it was Jesus with Lion in my heart .

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I used to believe I could take my asthma inhaler underwater and use it as a breathing device. The first time I tried I swallowed a whole mouthful of chlorine water in a split second.

Scuba Steve
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When i was younger i used to think water and swet were the same thing so when i sweted i would drink it.

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I used to believe that when a person was born, that person was given so many breaths. I used to hold my breath or try to breathe slowly so that I would live longer.

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top belief!

I used to think I could pick myself up. I would hold one leg and then jump to catch the other leg. It never worked and I always thought it was because I wasn't strong enough....

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when i was in elementry i was kissed by a boy no one liked, and i told my friend. she wanted 2 see him kiss me so she told me if he kissed me on the other cheek it doesnt count so i made him kiss me on my other cheek

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I uses to believe that snorting causes a block of snot in the top part of the nose and would have to be removed by a doctor , so I tried to never do it!

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