i used to believe

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When I was little I thought that only 1 person in the world could have hiccups at one time. (Until me and my mom had the hiccups at the same time)

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I used to believe there were little people inside my body, and they masher up our food when you digest it with those things people mash potatoes with. I also thought they pushed sleep up through your eye (like a big boulder).

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I used to - and kind of still do - believe that if you hold back your sneezes, your head would explode.

I hold back my sneezes... dundundun...

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I used to think that hiccups were caused by a frog in my chest who would jump and croak.

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I was told that if one doesn't cover their mouth when yawning that their soul would escape.

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top belief!

When I was little I used to believe that feelings were little people that lived in your shoulders, and that when someone "hurt your feelings," your shoulders would slump and the little people would cry.

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When i was a kid i used to believe that if i farted and sneezed at the same time i would explode. My friend told me it happened to his cousin.

Dr. O
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I used to believe the spleen was an urban legend

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When I was little, everytime I got a cramp I thought ants we inside my body and were putting salt wherever the cramo was.

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As a child I habitually had a blocked nose, which meant I usually had to breathe through my mouth. I used to think that if I were able to breathe through my nose, not only would I be able to breath air, I would also be able to breath under water. I evidentlly believed that all nose breathers could breathe under water. I tried it once - it definitely didn't work!! :-)

Jamie Anderson
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i used to believe that if someone or myself sneezed and you didn't say "god bless you" then that person or you would die.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that your shoulder blades behind your back were pre-mature angel wings ready to sprout when you died.

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i used to believe that if u didnt wash behind your ears potatos would grow in the dirt

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I used to like to crack my knee. My mom and grandma would tell me that i would break my knee and the doctor would have to open me up to fix it. An image of a doctor prying me open and nothing but blackness being there. I know that will never happen but that image scared me so much!nTo this day i've not cracked my knee once.

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top belief!

My mother made me believe that If you eat ear wax, you will become mute, And I even convinced my cousin to believe in this as well. So one day, when my mother sent us to sleep early, we were so upset, so we decided to eat each other's ear wax to be mute to protest against her.

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top belief!

when i was little my older sisters would tell me that when you sneeze, that is your soul trying to escape. for a while i would always try and hold back my sneezes or do it very softly so my soul wouldn'know.

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When i was little, maybe 3 or 4, i used to think that tears actually weren't real, they were just a myth. Once i got really mad at my parents, and i went off and started crying tears! i was so surprised, i started crying even more.

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Up until 3rd grade I used to believe that humming was an inaudible sound. One day, the teacher was walking around and she asked, "Who's humming." And I thought, "She can hear that!?"

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i was talking to my aunt one day about what you believed in when you were little and she told me a funny one
she didnt know how the body worked, so she just assumed thaat there was something running it. She thought that snap crackle and pop were in her stomach and they ran everything that happened inside of us.

Barb(as told by Tammie)
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My brother came up to me once and said, "Rachie, when does your booger-maker stop making boogers?" He thought that once you became an adult your booger-maker working.

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