i used to believe

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While playing a game of Catergories one day ( you have catergories and a letter of alphabet and you had find something for each) I was sittting beside my mums friend who had a wierd sense of humour! One of the catergories was "Body Parts" and the letter was "T" - I was only 8 and couldn't come up with anything so my mums friend "helped" me!

Well at the end of the round we all had to call out what we had written down- it came to me and proudly said "testicals" of course the room erupted but then the helpful friend asked " Where are testicals Terri?"
You can imagine the laughter when i pointed to my throat!

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I used to think that I would never stop growing, and that eventually my parents would have to take out the roof and build a higher one because I'd be coming out the top of the house.

When thinking on how my parents seemed to have stopped growing some time ago, I decided that they just hadn't tried hard enough.

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I used to think that we remembered things because our brain took a picture every time we blinked. So when we were out in the car and I saw something I wanted to remember, I'd make sure to blink really hard. This was when I was about 3.

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I used to belief that to kiss like adults do, all you had to do was give a long peck while swaying your head sideways.

That was my interpretation of french kissing!

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I used to think that shadows felt pain, and sent it to their "owner".

I "discovered" this when I proudly exclaimed to my Grandpa, "I just stepped on you shadow!" He played along with it, and pretended like it hurt him really badly. I wouldn't step on anyones shadow for the longest time, in fear of hurting them

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I used to think that the noises my stomach were from little people in my stomach talking to eachother.

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I used to think that my body was filled with really tiny workers; sort of like Oompa-Loompas. They controlled everything I did. I thought they helped me poop when I needed to go. So they pushed it, when it was too hard I even whispered, "Work harder, I need help!" They also painted pictures of my memories and thumbtacked or sticky-tacked them in the walls of my brain.

Kinda weird...

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When I was little I had a pet frog that my mom let go in the middle of the night. I woke up the next day with a scratchy throat and a horse voice. My mom said I "had a frog in my throat". I thought I had swallowed my frog in the middle of the night.

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When i was young, my brother told me that if I wanted to learn to wissle, I had to sit on the toilet and eat Dutch crisp bakes (rusks), and then try it, so I did.....you're mouth is so dry then, that it will never happen, but that i figured out a few days later...well, he also made me belief that you can actually eat soap....so I did...it was terrible, even with cleaning your mouth afterwards...with water!

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When i was younger, i got told that is you blow your nose too hard, then you will actually be blowing your brains out!
Fancy telling at 5 years old that!!!!

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I used to think that hiccups happened because there were little men in my abdomen that had big sludge hammers and would hit my stomach!

I also used to think that when I had to pee, it was because there were little men in my bladder waiting to get out! :)

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I used to think men were not allowed to cry. Especially Native American men for some reason (it may have had something to do with the sternness of Kokoum in Pochahontas). When my younger brother would cry I would tell him this and he would try to stop because he wanted to be a man.

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while my son was crying one day, my little brother announced that "babies cry to let off moisture". ha!

i'm laughing WITH you
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I used to believe that, when you hummed, no one else could hear you. I would go around making all sorts of ridiculous sounds and making up little songs.

I wondered why people kept staring at me in public.

Jessica Tinch
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When my daughters were little, like three or four, I devised a clever plan to teach them not to whine. When they used a whiny tone of voice I would cock my head and say, "Gee I almost thought I heard someone say something. But I can't hear a whiny voice, only normal tones of voice. I hope if anyone is trying to say something to me that they use a normal tone of voice because if they don't I'll never know what they want."
They both believed this as I made it a rule to NEVER pay attention to whining. (I would listen when they changed their tone and spoke without whining)

Niether child whined after the first few times!

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i used to believe that when you sneezed it was your soul trying to escape and so I was always terrified and would cry when i did

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I used to believe that all people wearing head phone are deff.

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When I was younger, I saw a TV show where there was a guy who had passed out and was lying on the ground. A girl got down and started feeling his wrists and his neck for a moment, then shouted, "I found a pulse!" and the guy woke up. From then on, I thought for certain that if you just touched someone's wrist for a while, you could find a pulse and save their life. I wondered why paramedics sometimes weren't able to save people's lives, if it was that easy.

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When I was young my, very superstitious, grandmother would tell my sister and I that everytime we hiccupped a drop of blood would fall off our heart. Everytime i got the hiccupps I would panic and hold my breath or eat a spoon full of suger (upside-down) until they went away, paranoid that my heart would dry out and I would die from them. I still think about it when I feel them coming on!

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I use to believe that little blue men worked and lived inside everyones bodies. They would "build", and that's how we would grow. I thought they had hammers, ladders, all things you need for construction.

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