i used to believe

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At some point when I was little, I had some eye-related illness, and there was one time when my eyelids got sort of glued together. Because of that, I was afraid to keep my eyes closed too long for some time. But I knew people slept with their eyes closed. So at night, I would periodically close my eyes for a short amount of time, thinking that it would be enough. I remember some dreams from that time, though, meaning that proper sleep eventually set in.

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when I was a child I used to believe that the mountains of clothes that had been in my room in the dark were monstrous and I had all my blankets and stayed under them

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When I was a kid, I used to think that if I slept with my feet off the deck, a monster would pull my feet and take me to Neverland, and then I would not see my family more, even when the wealther was hot I slept with the body covered with fear.

Rafaela Leal
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When I was around 6 or 7, I would fall asleep on the couch ALL the time. My dad would carry me to my bed after I fell asleep. I would wake up in my bed, thinking I had teleported! I believed that until I was 8.

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I thought the couch in my grandmother was magical because whenever I would visit there and lay on the couch I slept instantly and then I started sleeping on the couch of my other relatives and my home also then started thinking all sofas had that same magic.

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i used to believe that what we dream was real and our souls were taken out from our body and then we perform the dream and then our souls are given back to us and that memory is called the dream

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When i was a child, i used to believe that when i went to sleep, my parents would have a huge party, eat at my favorite restaurants without me, and stop when i woke up.

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When i was really young, i used to believe that my life was a dream so whenever i went to sleep i would be hoping i would wake up

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When I was very young I believed there was a little man with a Mercurochrome( if any of you even know what this is) stick would tickle me under my arms if I fell asleep with my arms above my head. So I never slept with my arms up!

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When I was little for a short time I used to have a theory that my life was nothing but the dream of a little girl who had a life of her own. When I was awake she was asleep and vice versa

Quint A.A.
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Until I was about 6 years old I thought that when people sleep their heart stops beating and they don't breathe. So everytime I wanted my dad to carry me to bed I would tightly close my eyes, hold my breath and just hope that dad doesn't check my pulse... I always wondered how my dad guessed I wasn't sleeping without checking it, though...

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When I was little I had a baby gate set up on my bed so I wouldn't fall off. One night I asked my sister what it was for, and she said it was a fence so monsters couldn't get to me, and I believed her. Later in my life (while I was still quiet young) my mom was in my room, said, "Oh, we don't need this anymore" and started to take it off. Then I started screaming and crying for her to leave it on, so she did, but was confused. I never let her take it off. I'm pretty sure if we hadn't moved, it'd still be there.

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When I was four or five I used to sleep on my left side. Every night I would hear a thumping, drumming sound in my left ear and could never figure out what it is, bu,t after much theorizing, concluded the only possible answer is that giant dwarfs lived in my ears - dwarfs because they had to fit in, and giant because they had to step loud enough for me to hear them (little giants never occurred to me though). I think it took me a year or two before I figured out it was my heart I heard thumping.

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When I was about 5 or so, I used to think that when people went to sleep they stopped breathing. So whenever I would pretend to be asleep I would hold my breath for as long as I could.

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I used to believe that people dream because they have little TV screens on the inside of their eyelids.

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I used to think that your whole life was a dream, and one day you would wake up and be a different person!

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when i was about 6 yrs old, I noticed my heartbeat in my bed. I thought it was army men marching.

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When I was younger, I thought that when I went to bed at night, everyone else in my part of the world went to bed too, and every public place and road would be completely deserted.

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I used to believe adults couldn't dream. My parents never talked about their dreams to me until I was about 10 or so.

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I used to believe that the crusties that appear in the corner of your eyes after you sleep came from a little duck walking across your face in the middle of the night that would poop in the corners of your eyes. I used to try to stay up as late as I could to try and catch it in the the act.

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