i used to believe

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I used to believe that people always snore when they sleep (I blame my father for this one). So when my mother would come to see if I was awake in the morning, I would perform the "realistic" snore I practiced...it went something like this: Ho-pish-shish-shh. I've never heard anyone snore like that, but I thought I was totally fooling her because my snore was so good.

quiet sleeper
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top belief!

I used to believe that while I slept, rats and mice would creep out of the walls, cut me in half, slide like a disc in, and magically stitch it all together... I figured if I couldn't see myself getting taller, that's how it must've happened.

I'm still amazed I didn't end up in an asylum.

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I used to believe I was part of someones dream & when they were awake, I was asleep. When my mom would make me get up for school, I would wish they would wake up so the dream would be over & I could go back to sleep.

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When i was around 9 or so my dad told me that if you sleep on your back with your knees bent upward towards the ceiling, little goblins would sit on your knees and make scary faces, causing you to have nightmares. (apparently a South American myth to scare kids. I dont know) But to this day, i'm 25 years old now, if i find myself even laying with my knees bent i still get a little paranoid about those little goblins getting ready to scare me.

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I used to believe that rubbing your fore head, left to right, 3 times with your right hand, kissing your head, then rubbing once more would rub away the bad dreams.

M. Suggs
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When I was a child, I used to believe that when we slept, we stopped breathing.

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When I was little, I thought that if you slept with your arms up at all (like under your head) that little tickle-y men would come tickle you under your arms.

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top belief!

When I was younger, I would sit at the top of the stairs in the middle of the night, listening to my dad snore. I always thought he had a minature lawnmower in his throat (which was obviously why he snored so loud) that would turn on when he was asleep and shave his face.

...What an odd child I was.

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I use to think that when you lay your head on your pillow side ways on your ear, there is a little person or silhouette of yourself walking along underneath your hear all alone looking for something. But after all it is the sound of your heart beat.

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I used to believe that if you didn't take your socks off at night your feet would turn into jelly

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I used to think that when people are asleep, they dont breathe, like when they are dead. I would hold my breath everynight until I either passed out, or fell asleep from boredom of trying to hold my breath.

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i used to think when you sleep your eyes turened round to watch performances in your head

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i used to belive that people used to sleep walk with their eyes

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when i was little i thought to get to sleep, you had to close your eyes and hold your breath. if i couldnt sleep i would lay in bed trying to hold my breath over and over again and trying to remember how i did it the night before.

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top belief!

when i was younger, i thought a flood was when water filled your house to the ceiling in all the rooms. i couldnt swim, so i usually slept with my water wings on my arms. i didnt want my mom to know i was scared for some reason, so when she asked me why i sleep with the water wings, i told her i wore them because they kept me warm.

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i thought split personalities were like having dreams. the dreams i had were all my personalities!

Odd Dreamer
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When i was young we got another story added to our house so i got my own room. I used to think that if any part of my body went over the side of my bed when i sleep witches would chop it of and replace it with a bomb. Then i would have to leave my hand there untill they forgot they changed it and put my real hand back on!

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back when my mom, my dad, my aunt, my uncle and myself lived with my grandparents my parents and i shared a room. anyway, one night i had a dream where i was whispering "mona" behind my bed and then the ceiling fan began to spin really fast and my mom turned into a monster and my aunt came to rescue me. needless to say i am scared to death of ceiling fans and with every house that we have lived in where a ceiling fan was in my room, it was removed because of my fear for them.

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ok, i still believe this, but ill warn u, its sorta scary. my friend told it to me and that night i had the worst nightmare ever...anyways, its about wen u go to sleep. When u fall asleep i believe that your soul separates from your body and roams around the world. for example- my friends mom was dreaming that she was looking at a cat outside her window. when she woke up, there was the same cat. its even scarier if someone TELLS u it rather u reading it. i warned u. isn't it scary? and i sware, im not making this up.

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When I was in middle school, I had a huge final exam that I DID NOT want to study for. I thought about how people say, "sleep on it," and I put all of my notes from the whole year under my pillow instead of preparing for it. I got a B+ on my test. I still wonder if this worked; although I was a really good student...LOL

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