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weeing and pooing

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As a toddler i was so aggressively against the idea of toilet training that my parents thought i had something wrong with me. Anyway i was at the doctor's once and he tried to explain to me when i was 3 why i couldn't just hold it in forever like i said i was going to . I came out believing that my left buttock was full of air and my right buttock was full of poop . If i held it in for too long my right buttock would grow so that nothing could get past it.
That scared me!

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when I was young, I used to think there were these tiny creatures inside your bum, that were like miners, that shoveled poo, down this hole. There would be this siren that would go off on this machene that would open the hole. That's how i thought we pooed. I also used to think, that when you constipate, yourself, the poo would build up, and the little creatures, would have go under a red alert.

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When I was little, I was disappointed to see that my pee was yellow. I thought pee came in different colors and I wanted a different color.

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I used to think that poop came from the solid food that you ate, and the pee came from water or any other type of liquid. So if i didnt drink anything all day all I would need to do was go poop. hahahaha

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i used to believe that my body had two pipes running from my mouth, one down to me front bottom & the other to me back bottom [as i would call them! ] So when i'd choke on my food & my mum would say that its gone down the wrong hole i would really think that i would poo from me front bottom or wee from me back bottom! I remember being so confused & dissapointed when this never happened!

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my ex-girlfriend (who apparently had little sexual experience with guys) was hesitant to perform oral sex after learning that guys didn't wipe after peeing like girls did. She was 18 and just found out that we don't wipe!

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I used to believe that if girl pee and boy pee got mixed together it would create a baby! I was always sure to flush so my brother wouldn't pee after me. I didn't want any babies to be down in the sewer.

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In sex education when we were younger, the girls had a tape to watch about periods and body hair and the like; and the boys had a tape they watched about erections and wet dreams and such. After watching our own videos, we switched and watched the oppostie gender's videos. However, the teacher didn't give us any explanation about what happened to little boys; and the tape was painfully general. Following the scene of poor little Timmy having a "strange accident" in his bed and being too embarrassed to tell his parents, I thought that when boys got older, they all had trouble with peeing the bed.

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My friend used to think that because he was brown and had brown poo, white people must have white poo. I'm not sure when he discovered the truth

Rachel Bradley
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I used to believe that the testicles were where urine was stored and the butt-cheeks were where poop was stored.

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Whwn I was little I thought women pooped out of their vagina.

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When I was younger, I never realized that pooing was a way to get rid of the food that you ate earlier, I always just thoguht it would keep piling up until eventually you would have to empty yourself out somewhere

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I used to believe that fat people were full of pee, and if they snagged themselves on something, they would spring a leak.

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I used to believe women peed out of their vaginas.

Kitty Lover
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When I was little I loved to eat beans and I used to believe that I only pooped because I ate beans. So, for a week I stopped eating beans, but of course it didn't help any; however, I still refuse to eat beans.

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When I was a child I asked my mum why poo and wee were called poo and wee. She said that they weren't the actual names, they were just what my brother and I called them. I took this to me that we had invented the words ourselves and they had spread to worldwide usage. I was very proud of us!

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I used to believe that if you drank while peeing, it would go straight through. At age 4, I decided to try it. Of course I found out that I was wrong. The bad part was that I wasn't very coordinated at age 4. Trying to drink water while standing to pee resulted in me peeing on the floor and getting a spanking.

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I used to believe that black people crapped brown and white people crapped white. Having never seen a white person's poop, I had no idea that this wasn't true. Now I've still never seen a white person's excrement but I also know it's not true.

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I used to believe that when girls pee'd they would hover over the toilet. I finally was tod that they sit down (well, OK, saw that they sit down) when I walked in on my girlfriend. That was last yaer when I was 18.

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When I was about 5 I thought if you peed and pooped at the same time it would come out as diareah. So I would cover myself when i pooed so I would pee till i pooed to make sure to not have diareah.

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