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weeing and pooing

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i always thoguht that my poo would turn into a family. the sophisticated father with glasses... the mom.. the kids...

not like mr.hankey.

more like leave it to beaver.

i just vaguely remember thinking that my poo would turn into a family.

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When I was a kid, I always thought that girls peed out of their butts, dunno why

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When I was a nine year old little kid, on car trips and felt the need to have a pee really bad my parents would let me pee in a bottle (I know I'm a girl but if you get it in the right position you can get it all in - even through a fly zip, it works!)
At school, the toilets were closed, and I had drunk a bottle of cola. My mom used to say, "Charlotte, we're both teachers, so if we let you do something your school should too." I was standing in the school yard when all of a sudden I felt a tingle in my "girly bits" - I was full of pee! To the teachers' horror, I unzipped my school trousers and felt the sweet, sweet relief of peeing.
The teachers were not impressed with Charlotte at nine...

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i use to believe to when you pooed it was in liquid form but you had bags at your anus that held the pooped when you pooped and thats how it held its form and when you had diahrea thne you where out of bags and you had to sleep to get the bags back because u used all of the bags ......i discovered that it wasn't true when i stuck a pencil in the poo to try and see a bag.....

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I used to think shit was exhaust from a tailpipe.

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one of the preschoolers I work with had this priceless bit of wisdom:

Girl: why do I pee?
Me: I don't know, why do you pee?
Girl: because that's what comes out of my vagina

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This is actually my son's belief.He thought i used to pee out of my butt.One day in a public restroom,my son was standing back by the toilet while i peed(he was only three),he announced nice and loud for all to hear,Mom,you pee out your butt,just like a horse!Yes i stayed in the stall until the coast was clear

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when i was a child i believed that there was a little man inside me that used to push the poop out of me when he was ready

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Once as a schoolgirl, I was riding home on a bus from a field trip, when I suddenly felt a need to poo real bad! I told the teacher, hoping she could get the bus to stop somewhere where there was a bathroom. But she just told me to hold it in and the urge would go away. I tried that and, although I almost shat in my pants, by the time we got back to school the urge had at least somewhat gone away. I don't even remember whether I poopooed any time for the rest of that day or not. What I do remember is that I got the idea that holding back one's dookey was the good and brave thinig for little girls (maybe boys as well?) to do. Maybe those who best succeeded would eventually become perfect and quit having to crap altogether, so I thought. During the years to come I remember being frequently plagued with stomach cramps, heartburn, and the like. Suspecting no connection at the time, I only regretted that I never completely perfected myself by quitting having to doodoo altogether. Only years later do I now suspect a connection between that belief and my digestive problems!

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I used to believe that when I "made a poopie" in my diaper, marshmallows and Hershey's Kisses were coming out of my rear end.

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I used to not know men peed standing up.

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I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet all of the water (and everything in it) would travel through a pipe to two men who had to strain out the poop so the rest could come back up to the toilet. I have no idea why I thought this...

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When i was young i used to believe that beautiful girls never pee or defecate because God made them special as His angels. So i thought only ugly girls does that.

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I used to believe that women urinated from their butts, because they sat down to pee.

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top belief!

I used to believe that tampons were the greatest invention on earth, as it allowed women to pee without going to the bathroom.

Thats what I get for being a guy.

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When I was little I dreamed of becoming a movie star someday. One of the benefits that I thought I'd enjoy as a movie star was not having to poop anymore. I thought movie stars couldn't possibly have to do that. Since then someone has told me that actresses in the movies have to poop just like the rest of us do. I still wonder, though.

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As a child I was absolutely certain that my anus could not possibly open wide enough to let out even a typical sized turd, not to even mention an especially large one. So I was sure that when one pooped, turds somehow magically materialized outside one's anus, giving only the illusion that they actually came out through it. Funny how i never thought to wish that they would materialize just a tad farther out from my anus, so I'd never have to wipe my butt!

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top belief!

When I was a little girl, my sister once told me that nobody poopooed except for me. And it must have been for years that I believed her!

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When I was in the third grade, I was in a new school, as my family had moved to a new city. The first (and it turned out only) time I ever ventured to take a poo at school that year, I went to the girls' room and a frightening thing happened to me for the first time (and so far luckily the worst time so far). Just as my turd was well on its way out, a sudden sharp and painful cramp of some kind overtook my anal region (and a good portion of my butt cheeks, so it seemed). And my butt continued to feel an unprecedented strain for a while after I finished taking that crap. That bathroom had black toilet seats, which I had no memory or ever using before. So I figured that that sorely painful experience was somehow caused by the black toilet seat. To this very day when I find myself in a bathroom with black toilet seats and a "number two" that i can't possibly hold back until I get elsewhere, I won't use the seat - I raise it and sit on the rim. I know it sounds crazy, and everyone I've told about it says surely a thin hard toiet rim would be more likely to cramp my butt than any toilet seat. That sounds reasonable, but nonetheless, I still don't change my practice of raising any black toilet seat and sitting on the rim if it's a "number two" that I hafe to take there. By the way, recently I've started hiking some. Some of my companions in hiking seem amazed that a dainty properly raised lass like myself is among those most at home "going" in the woods when necessary. I haven't told any of them yet that that comes from practice at pooing in the woods when that was sometimes the comparatively inviting alternative to using a black toilet seat!

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i used to believe that all the poo that got flushed down the toliet would be washed into the middle of the ocean. and i neva eva went in more than three metre into the water for fear i might step on it.

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