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weeing and pooing

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when I was younger, my cousin made me believe that if you sat on the toilet too long, your intestines would fall out.

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When i was around three i used to believe that all boys wee'd out of their thumb (the only male i had known being my dad) so therefore stood over the toilet and tried to wee out of my thumb and began to cry when nothing happened. Traumatised for life......

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Once when I was a child, a business associate of my father's came to see him at this shop. That day the associate had his wife and their little girl with him. At one point the girl walked up to her mother and said, "Mommy, I've got to doodoo!" I was astounded, because I must have believed, as I've noticed others on this site have, that girls didn't doodoo. So later at school, I asked my best friend if girls doodoo. I hoped he'd know, since he had two sisters. But he seemed embarrassed and just said nothing. I didn't want to be overheard, but I was, by a girl I didn't trust. She walked up and said, "Are you stupid? Of course girls doodoo!" I wasn't ordinarily comfortable talking to her, but desperate to know, I asked her more. I don't remember the exact details of our conversation. But it continued with her acting as if I were stupid, but ended with her telling me that boys and girls are different only in how they pee, and that both doodoo the same. I wanted to believe, But since I didn't trust her, I ventured to go ask the teacher if she had told me the truth. I told the teacher, "Valerie told me that girls doodoo just the same as boys. Is that true?" The teacher's baffling response was "Only in extreme cases." Did she somehow misunderstand my question? If so, what did she think I was asking? Or was she just somehow cruelly playing with me in a way no teacher should? In any event, I puzzled for years afterwards, thinking girls doodooed much more seldom that boys and wondering what were the extreme cases in which they would doo it.

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I used to believe that girls pee through their, well, anuses, because they always sit or crouch when they pee and poo, so i thought it's kinda the same.

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my friend, she's african american, she believed that since your poo was brown that white people's poo was white

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when i was about 6 i used to think there was an army of poops inside me, and that the leader would be telling them to jump out my behind.. even as a very logic-driven kid, i never wondered why they never ran out.

chibi t
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when I was kid, I once got the idea that anything called a "poison" was inevitably fatal if you ate or drank it, no matter how small the amount you had consumed. And I thought furthermore that any poison would make you die exactly three days after you ate or drank it. Then one time my mother told me that you need to poop every day, because poop is poison and you need to get it out of your system. So I was terrified the first time after that when I went a day without pooping. I was sure that I would die three days later. So on the third day after that day I didn't poop, I was secretly preparing to lay me down to die. It didn't seem to matter that I HAD pooped on the two days in between.

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i use to believe that when i wee the angels took it to heaven.

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My step-father used to tell me that if I swallowed my gum when I tried to go to the bathroom a big bubble would come out and I would get stuck in the toilet and he wasn't going to help me and I'd be stuck there forever.

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I am told that when I was two years old I was taken on a trip through several US states, to visit my grandparents. I had no trouble that time since I didn't yet know about there being different states in the US. But shortly after I first learned about the states of the US, my family was on an overnight trip to an adjacent state. As we were nearing the motel where we were to stay there, I had to poo real bad but I told nobody because I was afraid that maybe people didn't poop in the state we were in. I tried real hard to hold it in and thought I had succeeded. But I had to find out otherwise in the worst possible way. When we got to the motel and I was getting ready for bed and had taken off my pants but still had my panties on, my sister announced loudly to everybody, "Yvonne doo dood in her pants!" Yep, I'm afraid I had pooped and made most of the seat of my panties brown! I was petrified for fear I'd done something that one just didn't do in that stste!

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I used to think that if you held a turd in for more than an hour it would give you bad breath

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As a grownup, I've seen Fleet Babylax, which seems vaguely similar to what my mother must have used on me in one of my earliest childhood memories. I know she was squeezing something into my rectum and it felt really freaky. I asked her what it was for and she said in a reluctant and put-out tone, "It's to make you doodoo." I was incredulous because I'd been well indoctrinated at the time into a view that doodoo was nasty and a naughty subject that one didn't mention if possible. I'd never yet imagined that doodooing was'nt something one could be fine without dooing for however long one didn't get the urge to, and be all the more sweet, pure and well-behaved for avoiding for that matter. I'd yet to get any inkling that expelling feces might be a necessary and healthful thing. So in my incredulity I asked my mother again what it was for. She just waxed more cranky and pissed as she repeated,
"IT'S TO MAKE YOU DOODOO!" Gee, for whatever I might have thought of my mother most of the time back then, that day I thought she was really being some kind of cruel monster for trying, just for the fun of it, to make me be naughty and doodoo when I wasn't feeling the least inclination to do so.

constipated Courtney
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As a child (under four years old or so) I was slow to become potty trained. I was faring fine with number one, but as for poo-poo, I was still doing that in my pants at an age my mother thought was much too old to still not be "housebroken" as she often called it. Maybe she didn't really intend to compare me to a dog; she did have a habit of getting terms confused sometimes. Like one time I heard her refer to the transmission on her car as the "intermission". I pointed it out to her. She got real pissed and vehemehtly denied saaying "intermission" for transmission. Anyhow, back to the main story. To scare me into getting "housebroken", she made up story (at least I guess it was original with her) that, once I was five years old or more, any turds I did in my pants would turn into rattlesnakes and bite me. It must have worked, because I don't much remember shitting in my pants after that. But there was this one incident. By the fourth grade, my mom had me walking home from school every day. It was a bit over a mile. Then it happened. One day about halfway home, I had an urgent shit suddenly come on, that there seemed no way I could hold in until I got home. But I tried with all my might, terrified of the rattlesnake it could turn into. But then, some came out in my pants for all I could do. Desperate, I ran behind a bush in a stranger's yard, dropped my pants and dumped that turd like a hot potato, much relieved to see that it hadn't become a rattlesnake yet. But just as I started to pull up my pants up, I clearly felt more coming. What was I to do? I stayed there behind that push and doodooed the rest of my load there. Better than venomous fangs in my bottom! Afterwards I bolted for home in a hurry without wiping. Walking the rest of the way made my butt sore. It stayed that way for what seemed days (probably an exaggeration). But I didn't mind too much! Better a sore anus than a rattlesnake bite!

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When I was a kid, I somehow became quite convinced that only children poop, and that I wouldn't do it anymore when I grew up. Now I'm a grownup, still pooping and trying to learn to love it!

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When I was 5 or so, one of my friends (who was a guy) told me that anyone and everyone can stand up to pee... But girls just didn't because they were lazy... I got very angry at this "label" girls got... So the next time I peed, I did it standing up...and well.. didn't exactly get the pee into the toilet, instead, I peed all over the floor

A young girl trying to be a boy
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When I was small ( about 3 ) I accidentally walked in on my dad in the bathroom. Than, I went to my mom to ask her a question, "Mommy, when guys toot, does it come out of their peanut?" She explained it to me years later, and never lets me forget it xD

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When I was a kid, I was taught that pooping was naughty. So whenever I was taken to the doctor and thay'd take my temperature with a thermometer in my rectum, I thought they were trying to plug up the hole to stop me from pooping!

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When I was a pre-school girl, the first time I remember hearing the word "constipation" was in hearing my aunt talk of being constipated when she was pregnant with my cousin and how pregnancy can cause that. I asked somebody what "constipated" meant and got it explained to me, only thing was no one told me that pregnancy wasn't the only possible cause of constipation. So Some time later, the first time I ever noticed that I'd missed a few days having a bowel movement, my mother was horror-stricken when I went to her and told her that I thought I must be pregnant.

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I had no contact with males until I went to school. I was very confused as to why I stood to urinate and sat to defecate, when women sat for both.

Not until I went to school did I know that I wasn't the only boy in the world to sit on the toilet.

Ever-Learning Male
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When I was about three, I simply refused to wear my diaper. My mom used to tell me that if I didn't wear a diaper, a huge fly would come and fly up my butt. To this day, I am deftly afraid of flying things, especially flies!

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