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weeing and pooing

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i knew that if you ate beets your urine would turn pink and i thought if it was pink, then you could drink it.

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I used to believe that if boys could stand up to pee, then they could stand up to poop. So one day, I saw my dad pee standing up and asked my sister "can daddy poop standing up?" Then she said, "Daddy can't do that he would make a mess." I was so confused

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This is going to sound sick, but when I was younger I thought pads were for catching extra pee or something. Sort of like a diaper. I thought some women had problems and had extra droppings of pee that the pad caught.

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i use to believe that girls could pee and what they peed from was a perfect circle. It sound stupid right...

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My mom called a vagina a bottom and (im a girl) so i always called my wee part a bottom. So just imagine how i was when my friend told me she had to poo with her bottom.

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I use to believe that if I had something to drink while going to the bathroom that the drink would go right through me and I would keep on weeing until I finished drinking.

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When I was younger I used to believe that you had different size holes depending on what size poo you were doing

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When I was in infant school my friend Robert claimed that in Japan, when they'd finished doing a poo, they'd stick their fingers up there to 'get out the rest'. For some odd reason everyone else in the class also bought this outrageous lie.

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i used to believe that my "droppings" looked like ninja turtles and other cartoon characters!

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when i was in kindergarden, i used to think tht girls pissed out of theirs butts because they hav no penis.. bumer

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When I was little (2-3) I used to love baths so much, I didn't want to get out to go to the bathroom. So one day I had to poo really bad, so i just did. I didn't notice it at all until it somehow wound up in FRONT of me and was floating towards me. Horrified, I screamed and jumped out of the tub yelling "A BUG! A BUG! ITS GOING TO EAT MEEEE!" To this day I still hate taking bathes.

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I use to believe that if i peed in the bathtub my pee would turn into little spiders and bite me

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I used to think that green poop ment you were an alien.

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when I was 9, the girls' toilet in school broke down and we had to use the boys. I saw a boy peeing in the urinal and was desperte to go. I was shorter than him, so I stood at the kiddies' urinal. I took my jumper off, and pulled the bottom of my polo shirt out of my shorts. I then unzipped, took aim, and.... squirt! I took a leak. At first, I laughed. I had relief! I wondered why girls like me didn't have urinals. Then I saw the stain in my shorts. Oh dear...

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I used to think that boys peed out of their belly buttons, so of course why couldn't I? I tried for a long time but it never worked.hmm.. wonder why ;)

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When I was a little kid I thought celebrities never had to go to the bathroom. Maybe it was just because they never had toilets or mentioned bodily functions on TV.

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I belived what when i was peeing, a jellymonster would come out of my penis to punish me.

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A girl I knew in the fifth grade told me something that I believed for a long time. Think about it. Once being told this, one would have few occaasions to hear it refuted. What she told me was that girls have only one kind of feeling telling them when they need to "go to the bathroom". So therefore, she told me, girls never know in advance whether they have to do "number one" or "number two", or both. They have to look in the potty to see what came out, in order to know what they did, so the story went.

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I used to think that if you pinched your stomach you would go pee.

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I used to believe that the people who manned the toll booths on highways were not allowed to use the bathroom for the whole day.

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