i used to believe

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I used to believe that if you pressed on the inside corners of your eyes that your eyes would pop out.

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When I was young I used to watch my mother put in her contacts and I was sure that if she wore her contacts and glasses at the same time, she could see through walls.

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I used to believe that if I closed my eyes my mum couldn't see me anymore. I was always running around blind but hidden...

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my friend megan has always provided me with laughs-- one day last year she came up to me, and wanted my opinion on something. she couldn't remember if she dreamed this or was taught this early-on in school... she thought that behind our eyes we had "eye sacks" that collected everything that was in our eyes...like the goop and stuff. she couldn't answer when i asked what happened when the "sack" got full!

also, until the middle of freshman year in high school, megan was CONVINCED that unicorns actually existed at one point, and they just went extinct or something!

mandi :-D
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when i was little, i thought that you could pull your eyeballs and wash them in your mouth

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I use to believe that if a sharp object punctured your eye it would pop like a bubble

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I thought a visual minority meant somebody who wore glasses

Charlene Bosiak
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I used to believe that everything you think shows in your eyes while you are thining it, and that you can see what people are thinking by looking in their eyes.

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When I was four my elder sister told me that the white tear ducts in my eyes were actually full of spider eggs that spiders laid there while I was sleeping. She said that everytime I cried the spiders would be born on my face. I didnt cry for weeks.

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When I was four years old I had to have some extentsive eye-surgury or else I would have gone blind in my right eye. Everything went well (though I will always be farsighted and need glasses) but inspite of all the information I learned about the surgury before-hand, I thought that the docter quite simply took my eyes out of there sockets and then switched the left and right so they would face the right way.

Still, even that thought wasnt as scary as the eye-drops!

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My parents told me that if I got hit in the head while I was crossing my eyes they would stay that way

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my mom took me to the eye doctor for the first time when i was in 7th grade. my brothers were telling me scary stories about what happens while at the eye doctor. my one brother said they put 2 types of eye drops in your eyes, one thats really hot, and the other thats really cold. well, i imagined them putting the hot ones in my eyes first, and they would catch on fire, so then they would have to put the cold ones in to put out the flames. this would cause my eyes to become frozen, and in the process, my pupils would get different sizes from the scorching heat and ice cold sensations. to make it worse, i thought that when they give you those paper sunglasses to wear afterwards were to keep your frozen eyes from falling out, and to keep the scorching hot sun as far away as possible. The day before my doctor appointment, i cried for hours, terrified of what was going to happen to me. i still don't like going to the eye doctor to this day.

i can see clearly now the pain is gone...
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i used to believe that if u ate carrots that u could see in t he dark really good and that they made ur eyes really pretty. so i ate alot of carrots..and maybe it works who knows:)

blue eyes
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i have always had a very vivid imagination. you know those crusty little eye boogers? i used to believe that they were tiny letters sent to me by angels...i would always try to hold onto them as long as possible, maybe even put them in my pocket. i remember crying once because i lost one; i was quite convinced that it was sent to me by my grandmother.

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This is one of my mothers friends...SHE actually believes that she can see in the dark because, GET this...her eyes are GREEN!Does she think she's a cat or something??? LOL

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One day in elementary school we were playing outside on the playground when i got something in my eye. So i went into the bathroom to get it out and to my surprised found, what i believed to be, a splinter in the corner of my lower eyelid. Well, i've come to learn that "splinter" is really the tear duct for when u cry.

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I used to believe that my eyes worked by shooting out my sense of sight to the object, to 'see' it. Later learnt that it worked the other way round, and even later learnt that Plato shared my childhood belief, saying that rays of light shout out of the eyes to see objects.

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I used to belive that if you held a flashlight up to your eyes, you would eventually be able to see perfectly in the dark. I would spend hours "working" on my night vision ablilties.

Today, I wear glasses.

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For the longest time, I used to believe an odd thing about sleep crusties (the bits of dead skin that build up in the corners of your eyes, yano)
I would tell myself every night, not to rub them out in the morning, because I believed that if you left it long enough, the crusties would build up in a mold of you eye. I thought it would be so cool to have a crusty mold of my eye (??). Of course, I was weak and never accomplished this feat ;)

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When I was little, I was such a big cry baby and my cousins teased me a lot about this. One night, my cousin told me if I cried too much, I'd run out of water for my tears and cry blood instead, just like those statues of saints. I was terrified about this statement, and started crying. I ran to the mirror in my aunt's room, and I saw that my eyes were red!(I never noticed this before for some reason) I told myself to stop crying since blood would come out faster, but I'd cry even more.

It was a weird process, and I cried a lot that night. 0_0;;

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