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I used to believe that all boys had brown eyes and all girls had blue eyes, because in my family of 3 females and 3 males this is how is it was.

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Whenever I played outside my parents would say that I could go as far as I like, so long as they could see me. And that if I could see them, they could see me. Using this logic I came to the conclusion that by closing my eyes, they wouldn't be able to see.
Many of my friends also had parents that told them this, and we had all come to the same conclusion. This made playing hide and seek very confusing.

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When i was little i thought that blind people just had there eyes glued shut. So i would walk around with my eyes closed and thought that people would think that i was blind.

Stephanie Schlosser
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When I was in Kindergarten, my teacher told us that people had eyes in the back of their heads, and that day I went home crying because I thought I was going blind (since the eyes in the back of my head didn't work).

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When I was little, we took a bus ride and I noticed an overweight man. I turned to my mom and told her I knew what "hangover" meant... it was when your stomach hanged over your belt.

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When i was younger i believed that if you did get rid of the crud in your eye right when you woke up, then your eyes would get clogged and fall out like they were on a very long piece of pink yarn and if they fell out you would have to hold your eyeballs in your hands for the rest of your life. I also thought that pink eye shadow was so cool and because i wasn't allowed to wear make-up i put bubble gum on it, so the color (not the gum) would stick.

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when i was little i was always told i had such big beutiful eyes. when i was a little older (and people still always complimented me on my eyes) i saw someone at super cuts who's eyes were buldging out of their eye sockets. i was afraid that i would look like that when i was older. so i told my mom that, and she explained that the person had some sort of surgery or something because she had some kind of disease. i was relieved, but to this day i feel bad for that lady.

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I used to believe that the floaters in my eyes belonged to the cia!- I used to believe that somehow they could use my eyes for crime detection , like the invisible man - and like big brother they looked through me!

I used to believe tha t
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I used to love playing Hide and seek as a kid, my favourite was to close my eyes and put my hands over them really tightly, i really believed that if i couldn't see them, they couldn't see me.

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When I was little, my mom always told me that if I kept my eyes crossed for too long, they'd stick that way. Now, I know this "belief" is a bit cliche, but I had NO idea that it wasn't true until a couple of months ago!! I'm now 13. I was so suprised!

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Well, I don't know if this is funny, but it is very true:
I was born all but blind in my left eye. I can see some light and blurry colors out of it, only when my good right eye is closed. When both of my eyes are opened, the left one just don't work. (20/800 vision in left eye).
I was 7 years old before my parents found out. After they freaked out, they asked me why I never told them I could hardly see out of my left eye.
I replied,"I thought everybody was like that, just like my right hand is better than my left hand, I thought my eyes were the same way, and that was normal." I thought I was right-eyed, and right-handed.

CW Stump
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i used to belive that if i covered my eyes or closed them that knowone could see me and i used to say "if you cant see me i cant see you" i dont really know why i believed it but i used to do it all the time in my car and while playing hide and seek!

Tom Thorpe
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I used to think that everyone sees colors differently, but calls them they same thing. For example, what I see as blue may look green to someone else, but we all call it blue because that's how we learned it.

Then, a few years later, I learned about light waves and frequencies and all that fun stuff.

But I still think my theory is cooler.

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i uesd to belive that if you blink...when you close your eyes something might happen and when you open them its gone...

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When I was a little kid my sister told me that if someone had Pink Eye, if I looked at them then I would catch it. Well, I believed her and one day she had Pink Eye and I wouldn't look at her all day long.

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My son could never understand how I knew what he was doing when my back was turned (if it was naughty) and i told him that when mummys had babies they grew a second pair of "back eyes". From the age of three until almost five he would keep trying to find them.

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My dad always told me that eating carrots made my eyesight better, especially my night vision. So I'd eat lots of carrots thinking I'd be able to see really well at night with infraorange vision coming out of my eyelids.

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When I was about five your so, I used to think that your eyes could see to a certain point, then everything would be black. When you move, this "orb of darkness" would follow you, so you could still see. If you were farsighted, you had a big sphere. If you were near sighted, then you could only see about three or four feet in front of you, then there would be nothing but black. I wondered how nearsighted people could drive. Somehow, glasses had the ability to cut through this wall of black, and I could never figure out why farsighted people wore glasses.

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I used to believe that it was okay to look directly at the sun, without sunglasses, on a Wednesday and it wouldn't harm your eyes

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I used to believe that what ever eye color you had was the only color that you could see. (For example... If your eyes were blue you could only see the color blue, if your eyes were green you could only see the color green.) I could never understand why I could see all the colors. I would sometimes, just randomly, go up to my mom and ask her what color something was. (She has baby blue eyes) I was a strange child.

Cris Friedman
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