i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to believe that people were blind because:

1) They always wore those thick black sunglasses, so no wonder they couldn't see! Or...

2) They blinked, and then forgot how to open their eyes again. This was further proven when on TV, all the blind people that didn't have those glasses on always had their eyes closed. I was basically yelling at the TV, "Just open your eyes!"

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I used to believe that Chinese people have slanty eyes, because they eat a lot of rice, and rice can change the form of the eyes. I wanted to have Asian eyes, so I began to eat rice...

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I used to believe that I had a fly inside my eye - for years! When I was six, a fly went right into my left eye and of course flew away instantly but I thought for years that I had remainings of it inside my eye...

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When I was younger I used to believe that if I rubbed my eyes the color for my eye would smear. And I always checked in the mirror.

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When playing Hide and Seek with my grandparents, I had the understanding that if I couldn't see them, they couldn't see me either.

- So there I sat under the table, covering my eyes with my hands. Ingenious!

Pål, Norway
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top belief!

I used to think that eyelash curlers were eyeball removers. I thought it was gross but cool that people could change the color of their eyes when they wanted.

Many Decades Older Now
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top belief!

When I was young, I thought that my eyes were the eyes of everyone else. Whatever I saw, everyone else saw at the same time, so everyone relied on me to look everywhere. When I was tired in the car, I was afraid to close my eyes for fear that my Mom, driving the car, would crash!

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When I was about 6 years old, I believed that the patterns of light and dark that I saw when I closed my eyes was God. I must have heard someone at church say something like, "God is in each of us" and figured that was where He was located.

I don't believe anymore.

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I used to believe i had a ceamera in my head. To snap a picture you would have to blink two quickly. To advance the film you would scatch the back of your head a few times.

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top belief!

If ever I touched one of my eyes, even through my eyelids, I used to then touch the other one, exerting exactly the same pressure, to "level them up"!! I had this weird notion that they were joined behind my face and used to lie awake worrying that if I pressed one eye too much, it would disappear into my head and the other would 'pop out' - no, I have no idea where this came from either.....!

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When I was in the first grade I was told that wearing rubber galoshes in school was bad for your eyesight, and I believed it. (I'm still not sure it isn't true.)

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Like several others here, I used to believe that what I saw as, for example, purple, might be unique to me. that perhaps colors were a unique experience to each individual, and that this was responsible for the great disparity in each individual's favorite color. What I find amazing is that I read an article only a year or two ago (it's 2003 now - in case this site stays up for a while) that indicates that while the phenomenon may not be as extreme as I (we?) believed, differences in an individuals optic cones actually DO lead to differences in perceived colors.

Chris Sanner
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For a longer time than I prefer to admit, I believed that if I couldn't see someones eyes, than they could not see me. Combine this with my love of spying on my neighbors, and the result is me standing in a largely open yard, my eyes covered by a few leaves of a tree branch, looking like quite the bizarre child.

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I believed that if you crossed your eyes and plugged your nose and someone hit you on the back of the head your eyes would pop out.

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I used to believe that if I read all night in the dark (with very little light) that my eyes would get used to it and I would eventually get natural night vision, like cats. Needless to say I am now an English major with 20/400 vision.

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top belief!

I used to believe that if you saved the bits of crud that collected in your eyes overnight instead of wiping them away, they would eventually grow into a whole new eyeball.

Every day I would leave the 'sleep' in the corner of my eye until I got to school where I would hide it behind a door. I was hoping that eventually I would grow an army of eyeballs there.

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top belief!

I must have been ten or eleven before I realised boys had eyelashes...well you know how cartoons have girls with huge eyelashes and boys with none.

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When I was little and I lay in bed on my back, my eyes would get an irritated feeling and I was sure pieces of the ceiling were falling into my eyes!

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top belief!

I used to believe that people with brown eyes saw the world in a more brownish way, and people with blue eyes saw the world in a more blueish way and so on, if you understand what I mean. ^^,

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I was told by mum when I was little(and used to believe it until I was a teenager) that when you told a lie your eyes turned green!!

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