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I had poor eyesight but had never had an eye test, so no one knew. I thought everyone saw what I saw. So I assumed that adults were stupid and incompetent, since obviously no one could read street signs, or the chalk board in class.

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My Mom told me if you crossed your eyes for too long, they would stay like that. I still kind of think it might be true...no one has said otherwise.

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I used to believe that if you were blindfolded, you would see whatever colour the blindfold was. I was quite scared when someone blindfolded me with a coloured scarf, and I only saw black!

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When my sis and I were younger, our grandparents and our mom would tell us that Mustard makes your eyes shine. (Needless to say...No more special orders at McDonald's!!) Now I have a child of my own, and I'm instilling this wise crack in her head. ;) It works though...drive thru times are less than 3 minutes! :)

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I use to believe that if you went underwater without closing your eyes first, you would go blind. I would always make sure my eyes were shut real tight before going underwater! I think I got this idea when I was real young from a movie that I completely misunderstood.

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I used to eat alot of green olives. When I was younger, my Dad told me I had green eyes because I always ate green olives. I believed him for a very long time.

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Evers since i can remember up until i was 7, i thought that all you could see was the color that your eyes were. (for ex.: if u had brown eyes, you could only see brown) i thought i was special because i didn't walk around seeing blue everything. i learned about rods and cones when i was 8.

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I was watching a show called Pete and Pete on Nickelodeon when I was younger. The older Pete said something about how everyone's eyeballs roll all the way back in their head when they close their eyes (at least that's what I got from it) and I believed it. I still try to see if it's true by blinking really fast.

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I used to think tears were peices of your eyes liquifying and comming out and every time you cried you eyes would get smaller one day me and my friend were on the school bus and I told her my theory and she beleived me, not that we're older we know its not true but she still makes fun of me for thinking it was.

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When I was younger, I believed that because blind people were awake with their eyes closed, they slept with their eyes open.

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I used to believe I had really good eyesight before I got glasses. I thought the blurry specs were bacteria. Oh, yes, when I was 8, I could see bacteria.

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I used to think that being blind meant the same thing as being white (skin color).

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i used to believe that the colour of your eyes was all to do with nature. i had a few freinds who had blue eyes, some had green eyes and some had brown eyes like me. and i thought that when people were born they had no colour in their eyes, so people with brown eyes and hazel eyes had earth put in their eyes, people with blue eyes had sky put in their eyes, people with green eyes had grass put in their eyes and people with grey eyes were people whose eyes had been forgotten to be filled in.

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I used to believe that when you were crying, it was your eyes melting, so I was always afraid that if I cried too much, my eyes would melt out and I'd be blind.

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I used to believe I could actually see though my hand! I have extremely poor vision in my right eye, legally blind, can't see the big E on the eye chart. When I covered my right eye, I could see fine with my left eye. When I covered my left eye, I could barely see. I didn't realize I was looking with my nearly blind eye, and was excited to know I could actually see through my hand. I never told anyone my secret power!

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if i rolles my eyes, it would stay like that forever

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I used to believe that all fire trucks where black and that they had black flashing lights it wasn't until I was older I found out that I can't see the colour red and now wear special glasses

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Kids in my school would ask if I could see without my glasses, and I said no. They said they thought I was actually blind, as in with my eyes closed.

Some other kids thought that when I took my glasses off, was I secretly like Superman who could only do his special powers when he took his glasses off and changed his clothes.

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I used to believe that you were only classed as blind if you had your eyes closed.

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When I was younger, I believed that only people with blue eyes could see every color because their eyes were "clear" enough to see colors (I have blue eyes, so this made sense) and that people with brown or green eyes only saw those respective hues. Every one in my family had blue eyes so I never had a chance to really ask anyone else.

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