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Euthanasia is youth in Asia

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Euthanasia is youth in Asia. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to people.

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When I was in junior high, I was supposed to write a paper on a "social issue" for my social studies class. I was asking one of the teachers about different things that I could write about. After I turned down a few of her ideas, she said, "you could write about euthanasia." I told her that that sounded like a cool thing to write about. Of course, I had never heard the word before, so I thought she had said "Youth in Asia". I spent a few hours at the library, trying to find information about what young people did in Asia. I didn't get very far at all. I went to the teacher and said, "I don't understand this. What DO the youth in Asia DO?" I was totally under the impression that I should be writing about their culture and how they grow up differently from us.

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As a kid, I used to worry a lot about the problems of the kids in Asia. It was during the latter, horrific years of the war in Vietnam, and I heard about both on TV news without really understanding, I must have linked them in my mind with "youth in Asia" (euthanasia).

Mr. Dobah
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I am another submitter who thought Euthanasia was "Youth In Asia". I thought it was a foreign exchange student program. (I believed this until just a few years ago!)

Matt Thiel
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I use to believe as a kid that Euthanasia was accually THE YOUTH IN ASIA.My mum gave me a rather funny look when I mentioned that.

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When I was young I used to believe that Euthanasia was a youth movement in Asia- how naive is that!!!

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I used to think that euthanasia was "Youth in Asia". I never understood why that could possibly mean putting a animal to sleep!

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The word 'euthanasia' always confused me. How did a bunch of young people over in another continent relate to the old people they're talking about on TV? ("youth in asia")

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top belief!

When I was young and heard about euthanasia on the news, I thought they were talking about "youth in Asia". Someone was talking about how bad euthanasia was, and I thought the young people over there were rioting.

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