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People killed in films or on TV die in real life.

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When I was young, I thought that when a person in a movie died, they really died. I remember thinking that they must have paid them A LOT of money to kill themselves for a movie.

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One day my sister and I were watching a movie with my aunt where an entire singing group died. I think it was that same day or soon after where we saw the group perform live at a concert. I started freaking out because in my mind they had all died and I believed that their ghosts were performing. It took my aunt a while to get me to believe the whole actor/fake death explanation.

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When i was about 5-6 I used to believe that people that were killed in movies and such actually got killed for real - but I didn't feel that sorry for them because I was convinced that it had to be really mean people already in for death row that got punished and that they deserved it.

yahbuts live in the woods
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when i was 12 i was in love with Elvis. i saw a movie where he dies. I cried for hours, cause i thought he was really dead. i would not belive my mom when she said it was just a movie and he was alive

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I used to believe that if an actor died in a movie, that they would die in real life--thus, they would have to say good-bye to their families and friends before they did the movie.
Course, I was also five/six at the time!

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I used to believe anyone killed on TV or in movies were prisoners from death row.

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I used to believe, when I was 7 or so, that actors who died in movies REALLY died. I was horrified.

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When I was around 8 or 9, I used to believe that when people died in tv shows and movies via guns or jumping off a cliff, they really died. My explanation for this was that prisoners on death row volunteered for the job and were substituted in at the last second, since they were going to die anyway.

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Actors in western films really died when they were shot. That's why the cast often consisted of older men who didn't have much remaining lifetime anyway.

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I used to believe that when people died in movies, they really died in real life. I always felt sorry for the people who ended up dying in movies.

Marisa G
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When I was younger, I believed all the action sequences in films were very real. All the people that got shot, I figured them to be criminals or dissidents forced into acting, stomach wounds were aimed for unlethality and the head wounds for people who were to be executed anyhow.

Movies with a lot of death were quite puzzling to me, wondering how they managed to get all those prisoners. Later, someone told me that people had bags of ketchup under their clothes and the guns were firing pellets.

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I used to believe that when an actor died on-screen it was real. And I always used to be astonished when I saw the same actor in another movie, and went about asking people very seriously as to how did they survive!

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When i was younger than 11, i belived that people risked and sold their lives for movies. So i say to my daddy, how come people die for movies, like that guy got shot with an arrow and died, why whoud he do such a dumb thing. Dad, i thought that guy was dead (as i saw the same actor in another movie) he said, yea in the movie. I was puzzled, so im thinking harder, people die then come alive and die again? lolz... i found out by watching how they made the movie...

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I used to beleive if they killed someone on a TV show that the person died in real life.

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I used to believe that in movies like star wars, when a character died, they were murdering the actors.

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When i was little, i used to think that the bad guys really died in the movies. But in order not to kill a good person, they used people in prison to play the bad people.

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when i used to see a character die in a movie, i used to believe that the actor would get payed and spend all his money b4 he actually goes and dies in the movie...after seeing the same actor diing over and over again i asked my mum how many times a person can live and die.....

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I used to believe that when bad guys got shot in the cowboy and indian movies, that they were really bad guys from the prisons being shot as punishment for their crimes! I got worried when I saw the scenes where lots of people died thinking what a lot of bad people lived in the world.

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top belief!

When I was alot younger than now and went to the Saturday morning cinema, I thought that all the cowboys and indians who were shot in the films were prisoners who were sentenced to death. No one had explained about stuntmen and blank bullets!

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When I was I kid, I wondered how they managed to show so many people get kill in the movies. I had heard that some people committed suicide, putting an end to their lives privately. Quite sensibly, as an imaginative child, I used to believe that film makers would set out to the goomier parts of the city to set up a stand or roam with big signs recruiting suicidal individuals to participate in their upcoming movie, so that they may be killed before the camera during a scene and to the great enjoyment of future movie audiences.

Guy - Luxembourg
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