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People killed in films or on TV die in real life.

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when i was little i belived that people who got killed in horror movies were real people that just wanted to die.

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I was very naieve when I was young (still am). I don't remember the year, but I was maybe 7 or so; that would have made it '67. When I saw a movie called, "Your Cheatin' Heart" about Hank William's life, starring George Hamilton I thought Mr. Hamilton was actually Hank Williams and died right there before my eyes. I cried and cried about that.

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when i was little.. anytime i watched an action movie where someone gets shot and died, i thought that the directors just found a person who wanted to die and killed them for real...

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I used to puzzle over how they got people to agree to die on films and TV programmes. I worked out that the producers must have the contacts for all terminally ill people in the world and would phone them up to persuade them that as they were going to die anyway, it would be better if they did so on a film and earnt money to leave to their family. I never did work out how they got people just to be injured and mutilated! I remember seeing a two-parter of Batman when Robin was stuck in a giant clam till the next episode a week later. Obviously he had a luxury apartment inside the clam for the rest of the week.

Bill Moore
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I used to believe people really died in movies. I didnt understand they were just acting.

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i used to belive when people died in movies it happend for in real.

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I was in a timezone waiting to play a 'laser skirmish' game with my little sister. When she had the gun in her hand, she started crying and so she stayed outside with my dad. After about fifteen minutes the game finished and I came out and it showed the scores on a little TV screen. When she realised I had won, my little sister was overjoyed. I later found out that she thought the guns were real and you would die if you were shot.

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When I was very young, I had a very odd belief about action scenes in movies and TV shows. I don't know where I got the idea, but I thought when every you saw about to die and they were not the star - stunt men tossed off a roof, that sort of thing - that the person had really died. I thought they were prisners on death row whose death was part of a movie as some sort of bizzare special treat.

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I used to believe that people really died in movies and on tv. I used to wonder why they would want to be on tv bad enough just to turn around and die!

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I used to believe that in movies, when somebody died, I thought they hated their life and just really WANTED to die. Boy, was I wrong!

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I believed that when you were watching TV or a film and someone died that the makers of the film would go out and look for people who didn't want to be alive anymore and actually kill them on film. Horrific!

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For the biggest part of my childhood I believed that when a character in a movie died, the actor was actually killed. I always wondered where they found all the people so willing to end their life for entertainment?!?

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When they made war films/westerns which had people being killed, they used people from prison who had been sentenced to death for committing crime. and that they were really being killed

stu groves
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I used to think that if someone got shot or killed in a movie, that they actually died in real life. I wondered where they got these people and if they volunteered for their parts. Were they suicidal? If they got paid what did they do with their money since they were dead?

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i used to believe that when people died in the movies, they would use real people from prison. well who else would they use?

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When I was young, I used to watch a lot of action movies. I loved them but the thing was, I didn't know they were acting! Everytime someone would be shot, stabbed, or killed, I would feel sorry and it would be really sad. Obviously I thought I was perfectly right so I never brought it up. Until one day I saw a movie that had the same person die as the movie i had seen 2 weeks before. Finally, I asked my parents and they were so shocked because I've been watching all those movies and always thought they were real. The embarassment was so bad but it's still better than finding out the truth today, when I'm 22.

jason wong from the t dot
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when i was about 4 or 5, i believed people that died in a movie really died - just for the sake of the movie. *cough* yea. O_o

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When I was about 4 or 5, I used to think that when people were killed in movies that the actors really died. I thought that real-life people who just didn't want to live anymore volunteered to play the parts in movies where people were killed. I just couldn't figure out that it was "pretend blood" or a "fake gun."

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I used to believe that when a character dies in a movie that the actor who plays him really died to make the movie, and therefore I would often cry when characters died.

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Thiz is probably really weird, but I always thought that when people died in the movies that they REALLY died. I thought they hired actors that were willing to die. I never understood why anyone would of done that.

La Blue Eyes
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