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People killed in films or on TV die in real life.

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: People killed in films or on TV die in real life.. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to people.

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When my sister was little she loved the movie Poltergiest. then one day my mom heard that the girl died and told my sister. and then she said "will she still be in my movie?"

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When my mom watched movies when she was little, she thought the people getting shot in the movies were really criminals sentenced to the death sentence, so they would just shoot them on screen.

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When i was little i thought that when people in movies died they really did, so i thought they would just wait until they found out they had cancer or something before they would take a part where they would die and the movie company would pay their families lots of money to it, i was really confused when i saw the same guy die in two seperate chuck noris movies

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I saw 'gorillas in the mist' when i was just little, at then end when the lady dies it says something about it being a true story, i thought that the main actress had worn the real persons skin and pretended to be her, but i was confused because how could they be allowed to kill her again??

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When I was little I used to watch old western movies with my grandpa. There was alot of shooting involved and in the movie the actor dies. But when I was little I didn't know it was all fake. I thought people that just wanted to die figured hey, might as well come out in a movie and be famous.

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i used to think that when someone died or got hurt on tv shows or movies, they really died. i thought that stunt doubles were the ones who sacrificed their lives for really good actors.

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I used to think when people got shot in movies that it was real. My parents told me that how would actors agree to die just for a movie... but I thought they were lying to me so I wouldn't freak out. Then they just told me that it wasn't blood, that it was just ketchup. So that Christmas I asked for a gun that shot ketchup like the ones used in movies hahaha.

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I used to believe all the people that got killed in movies were prisoners sentenced to death, and that's why it was so realistic, because they were using real people, not stuntmen.

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i used to belive that actors in movie used to really get killed. Until i saw an actor die twice

calipzo avery
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I used to think that the poeple who died in movies were actually death-row inmates that got to choose this way to be killed

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I used to believe that when somebody died in a film, that person actually died in real life.

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I used to believe that all the people in cowboy films that got killed were people who wanted to die

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i used to believe that films were real so if someone got killed i thought they really got killed! Now I know it's not true.

P.S - Or if someone died.

Wouldn't You Like 2 Know!
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When I was about 3 I used to think that all films were real and events in a film were actually happening in real life as I watched them. Apparently I would cry for hours when someone died, and my parents would never know why - until I told them a year or so later.

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When I was young I saw a movie where a car went over a cliff. I remember thinking that the driver's family must have got a lot of money to let that guy drive off a cliff and die just to make a movie.

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when actors die in movies i believe that they actually dienad when they appear in other movies i thought is probably the twins or something

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i used to believe that when people die on movies it was because they didnt mind dying because thay are ill or something

becky b
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I used to believe that the movies were real and that people who died in those movies actually died. Which is why I thought actors were very highly paid.

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i used to think that everyone who died in a film was a volunteer. This was shattered when a comic - probably the 'Eagle' - printed a feature on how film stunts worked!!

anne laity
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I used to think that the peolple who dies in the movies, in westerns for instance, was people that wanted to commit suicide and the money they earned as actors was paid to the family

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